Şükran Yiğit: Ankara mon Amour

reading sample

"Im vorliegenden aus dem Türkischen übersetzten Roman Ankara my love geht es um die Geschichte der Freundschaft von Suna und Emel seit Kindheitstagen sowie Sunas Onkel Ömer und Emels Mutter. Der Roman ist in 3 Hauptteile gegliedert, wobei in jedem Teil einer der Hauptfiguren die Rolle des Ich-Erzählers übernimmt. Ankaras enge Gassen der 1960er- Jahre sind der Schauplatz des Romans. Im 2. Teil treffen sich die Freundinnen nach politischen Unruhen der 1970er-Jahre wieder. Diese zufällige Begegnung führt sie in ihre Kindheit und das gemeinsam erlebte Drama zurück. Anders als die ersten beiden Kapitel voller kindlicher und jugendlicher Leidenschaft, ist das letzte Kapitel geprägt von der Melancholie der verlorenen Liebe des Onkels. Eine humorvoll beschriebene Liebes- und Lebensgeschichte in Ankara, gern empfohlen."

Translated from Turkish by Stefan Achenbach

The author


prose | 1st edition 2015 | soft cover | 274 pages


Şükran Yiğit: Ankara mon Amour

ISBN 978-3-944201-36-8 Genres ,


Peer Review Service for Public Libraries

The Turkish author, who currently lives in Frankfurt am Main, was born in Istanbul in 1961 and grew up in Ankara. She is not unknown in her old homeland. you publishhas so far published numerous novels, published by the renowned publishing house Iletisim Yayinlari.
In the present novel translated from Turkish Ankara my love is about the story of Suna and Emel's friendship since childhood, as well as Suna's uncle Ömer and Emel's mother. The novel is divided into 3 main parts, with one of the main characters taking on the role of the first-person narrator in each part. Ankara's narrow streets of the 1960s are the setting of the novel.
In the second part, the friends meet again after the political unrest of the 1970s. This chance encounter takes them back to their childhood and the drama they experienced together. Unlike the first two chapters full of childish and youthful passion, the last chapter is characterized by the melancholy of the uncle's lost love.
A humorous love and life story in Ankara, gladly recommended.

Yilmaz Holtz-Ersahin

Source: Discussion service for public libraries, ekz publication ID or IN 2015/23, ekz.bibliotheksservice GmbH


Reviews and press:

Literature News:

Ankara mon Amour - with this title one inevitably thinks of a rapturous declaration of love for the Turkish capital, which will never step out of Istanbul's shadow. And basically that also applies to the first half of Şükran Yiğit's novel, which originally appeared in Istanbul in 2003 and is now available in German for the first time: to the untouched childish world of six-year-old Suna, who grew up in a sheltered environment at the end of the 1960s. Perhaps too sheltered by her constantly worrying mother, who is always afraid that something might happen to her daughter or that she might get sick again. more

– Gerrit Wustmann

Additional information

Weight 288 g
Dimensions 120 × 190 mm


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