Review of Doğan Akhanlı's "Sankofa" by @Lettera_tour

We look forward to a new review of Doğan Akhanlı's book "Sankofa" by Yannick Dreßen @Lettera_tour. . Doğan Akhanlı linked, which at first glance does not seem to fit together - and weaves a great novel! […] The responsible lieutenant goes in search of the escaped and finds 2370 letters that his wife's detainees received from captivity. He begins to read it and soon the words bring a stone in him to roll, a stone that rapidly

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Why behind "world literature" is a western look of Gerrit Wustmann on

Even if hardly anyone likes to admit that, but is a non -western literature in German translation (also here: apart from a few exceptions) a subsidy business that hardly ever carries itself. From: “Books in translation - why behind‘ world literature ’there is often a western look” by Gerrit Wustmann Gerrit Wustmann has published his essay “Books in Translation - Why is a western look behind 'world literature’ ”via You can read the full text here who wants to dip in Wustmann's views on this topic

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Review of Doğan Akhanlı's "Sankofa" on Kommuch newsletter (

"Sankofa ”is a huge plea for an understanding of the present that grows from the history of history and leads to the future - and that is by no means hopeless. Be sure to read! " -Irmgard Hölscher, Frankfurt a.M. We are very happy about the positive review in the current commuch newsletter for "Sankofa", in which the novel is one of the seven current recommendations! The whole review is available here and if the post has made you curious, you can of course

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Deutschlandfunk Book market - Recai Hallaç to Doğan Akhanlı: "Sankofa"

In the Deutschlandfunk Book market, a very nice contribution was about Doğan Akhanlıs: "Sankofa". There the translator Recai Hallaç talked about the book and the life of Doğan in an interview with Dina Netz. It was an interesting and informative conversation and a must for everyone who has already read the book or are still unsure whether you want to read the book (note: it is definitely worth it) The link to the conversation can be found here

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"Hope is like water on the tree of life ” - 3sat Kulturzeit - Contribution to“ Life in the Schleb ” & Interview Mit Atef Abu Saif

Atef Abu Saif's novel “Life in the Schleb” about life in the Gaza Strip first appeared in German, in parallel not only a contribution about the book in the 3sat format culture, but also an interview with Saif itself. “Hope is like water On the tree of life, ”he says, and:“ Writing keeps us alive. ” The full sequence of culture time on Thursday, January 9th, is available in the 3sat media library (minute 9) until April 9, 2025.

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Review "One understand the Germans" on Bodo - how important bread is

Wir freuen uns sehr über die Rezension von „Versteh einer die Deutschen” in der aktuellen Ausgabe des bodo-Straßenmagazins. „Es ist bemerkenswert, wie Akhlaqi von der naiven Alltagsbeobachtung über die Reflexion der eigenen Fremdheitserfahrung zu den großen philosophischen Fragen gelangt.” Die vollständige Rezension könnt ihr hier auf Seite 39 lesen.

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"“Someone understand the Germans” – review by Martin Gerner

"He looks stubbornly and processes his experiences in the host country with irony. It starts with an elementary question for an Afghan in Germany: Why are German toilets so foreign and toilet paper seemingly an imposition? The author’s journey of thought through German worlds begins on the toilet seat.” This is what Martin Gerner writes about Taqi Akhlaqi's novel, which, as the author says, is a book for Germans and not for Afghans. We are very pleased about his contribution to BR24, in which Akhlaqi himself also has his say

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Review of “Sankofa” by Gerrit Wustmann

Gerrit Wustmann has published a wonderful review of “Sankofa” on The deep connection between him and Doğan Akhanli can be seen in every line and is a tribute to a wonderful writer who left us far too soon. Thank you for this review, Gerrit. Writers like Doğan Akhanlı are dangerous for despots because their works and voices are the foundation of every democratic idea. That’s why they are always the first to come into fire when states turn authoritarian and anti-democratic.” The Sankofa

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Review of “Sankofa” by Martin Oehlen in the Frankfurter Rundschau

Thank you for the review of “Sankofa” in the Frankfurter Rundschau! Dogan Akhanli creates a broad panorama in “Sankofa”. Geographically, it extends from Anatolia to the Rhineland, chronologically from the Turkish military dictatorship of the 1980s to the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. Historical events appear here and there - the murder of the journalist Hrant Dink as well as the NSU trial. Yes, Akhanli experienced the political oppression and active solidarity that “Sankofa” is about. However, this is neither a documentary novel

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Review by Gerrit Wustmann of “Understand the Germans”

We are very pleased about Gerrit Wustmann’s review on of Taqi Akhlaqi’s “Understand the Germans”. There he describes very well the willingness of the Germans to welcome and support him when Taqi arrived, and which is unfortunately being lost little by little. That's exactly why books like Taqi's are so valuable, so that we never lose sight of other people. However, Taqi Akhlaqi didn't just spend the months in the middle of winter in a writing retreat. He traveled a lot, saw cities

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Sujet Verlag on ZDFinfo

We are really very pleased to report that a report about our publisher will appear on ZDFinfo on October 24th at 7:40 a.m. - 7:55 a.m. For those who don't want to or can't turn on the television at this time, you can watch the article at any time in the ZDFinfo media library. We would like to thank Abdul-Ahmad Rashid and his nice camera team, who had a very interesting conversation with Madjid and accompanied our everyday life at Sujet Verlag. It was an unforgettable one

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Review of “Sankofa” written by Daniel from

We are very pleased about the positive review from Daniel from about “Sankofa”! When I picked up Sankofa by Doğan Akhanlı, I knew that a profound and emotionally charged work awaited me. Akhanlı's language is precise and forceful. He never loses himself in didactic tones, but rather lets the stories speak for themselves. In doing so, he invites us readers to ask questions that go far beyond the individual story. Especially the ability to seamlessly combine different time levels and geographical locations

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German Publishing Prize 2024

We made it! Sujet Verlag was awarded the 2024 Publishing Prize! Thank you to everyone who supported us. The 2024 Publishing Prize is a great honor for us. It is not only recognition of our work, but also an incentive to continue publishing high-quality literature. We thank our authors, whose trust and creativity are the basis of our success. Our heartfelt thanks go to our translators, editors, employees and of course our readers who have been with us for years. This price is a confirmation

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28 years of Sujet Publishing

Dear friends of Sujet Verlag, yesterday, September 15, 2024, our publishing house turned 28 years old. We have a long journey behind us, but without the great collaboration with our authors, translators and graphic artists, editors and companions, who have been at our side since the beginning and carried us through ups and downs with their support, it would not have been possible to take this journey go. Especially in the last few weeks, which have been very difficult for us like many other small publishers, which is why we keep coming back

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From cheerful to funny – WDR 3 Gutenberg’s World: Rosario Bona reads from Taqi Akhlaqi’s “Someone Understand the Germans”

Last Saturday (September 7th, 2024), presenter Insa Wilke presented the recently published book “Understand the Germans” by the Afghan author Taqi Akhlaqi on her show “Heiter bis funny - Gutenberg’s World”. After a short introduction, there was a reading from Akhlaqi's book by Rosario Bona. You can listen to the reading from the program here: Click here for the entire program “Heiter bis funny - Gutenberg’s World”

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The night I drowned in the sea - From everyday life

A new article by Manfred Lipp was published today in the blog “From Everyday Life”. His blog post “The Night I Drowned in the Sea” contains an excerpt from Taqi Akhlaqi’s story “Someone Understand the Germans” and introduces the author and his short stories. Click here for the blog post Click here for the book

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Grötzingen Aktuell: Interview with Sara Ehsan about the volume of poetry “The Whispers of Others”

We are very pleased about the current literary contribution from Grötzingen Aktuell from September 6th, 2024 with an interview with Sara Ehsan about the volume of poetry “The Whispers of Others” by Sara Ehsan and Alain Alfred Moutapam, which was published by us in 2022. Here's a little foretaste: "In the small volume of poems 'the whispers of others', Sara Ehsan and Alain Alfred Moutapam speak, or, as it says on the back of the book, 'scream' into the filter bubbles of the saturated." The 'saturated', that's us, and it is

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Reading. Deutschlandfunk Kultur: Interview with Taqi Akhlaqi

We are very pleased about Deutschlandfunk Kultur's interview with our author Taqi Akhlaqi, who was a guest on the Lesart program yesterday (August 29, 2024) and spoke about his latest book “Understand the Germans”. Please feel free to listen. Click here for the author's broadcast of his book “Understand the Germans”

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Review of “The Big Cousin” written by Michael Braun

We are very pleased about the positive review from Michael Braun from bv. Borromäusverein e.V.! “Djafari […] tells a nuanced, exciting and highly topical story about how two very different Persians deal with their origins and identity in the host country. The action takes place during the refugee crisis, when the welcoming culture in many places turned into criticism. At the same time, the book is a commitment to democracy and freedom. Based on these basic values, the contradictions that arise between the young asylum family and the assimilated entrepreneur cannot be resolved, but are presented in a concise and scene-accurate manner

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Sujet Verlag needs your support!

 Dear friends! Sujet Verlag needs your support! As you may know, it is becoming increasingly difficult economically to make books. While the entire process of book production has become many times more expensive in recent years, book sales are continually declining. For small, independent publishers like ours, it's never been about making big profits - that's not even possible with such a specialized program. Our aim is to produce good literature, especially translations from it

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Contribution to Amir Shaheen: “A horizon ahead”

"I wondered what we would be like 20 years later. Given the state of the world and especially our predominantly still very fed up and ignorant society, I wanted to revive the sound and spirit of that time, at the same time reflect it and give poetic expression to my feelings in a similar framework” – Amir Shaheen come-on .de publishes a new contribution to Amir Shaheen's new seventh poetry volume “Vor uns ein Horizont”. to the contribution to the volume of poetry about the author

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Kerstin Elferink: Review “The Great Cousin”

I read through this visually rather inconspicuous book in two days. An emotional family story against a current political and social backdrop, a great, sensitive narrative language, characters that couldn't be warmer. What more does a good novel need? Abbas lives with his wife Maria in Frankfurt. He is an extremely successful entrepreneur with international clients. His parents once came to Germany from Iran and raised their children according to German standards; Abbas speaks Persian more poorly than well. As his cousin from Iran

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Literature Review: Essay “Of Course I’m Ashamed!” by Taqi Akhlaqi

In traditional Afghan society, shame has an almost state-supporting function; in the Afghan diaspora it finds new, no less dramatic ways of expressing itself. In this essay, Taqi Akhlaqi deals with his experiences as an “immigrant” in Iran, his identity as an “Afghan ” and the shame associated with it. He criticizes the traditionally conservative educational system and the moral values ​​in Afghanistan. He also explains what role shame plays in Afghan society. Click here for the essay About the author Zu

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