Voices of Freedom - Online reading with Doğan Akhanlı

online event

In einer digital ausgestrahlten Veranstaltung liest der Kölner Schriftsteller Doğan Akhanlı aus seinem Werk "Madonnas letzter Traum". Die Texte werden von dem Autor Gerrit Wustmann rezitiert, der auch das Gespräch mit Akhanlı führt. Die Lesung können Sie am 31. Januar 2021 ab 18.00 Uhr auf der Facebook-Seite von KulturForum TürkeiDeutschland als Video-Premiere verfolgen. Die Lesung können Sie sich aber auch auf https://vimeo.com/500629581 oder dem YouTube-Kanal des KulturForums anschauen. Die Beiträge in deutscher und türkischer Sprache werden jeweils durch Untertitelung übersetzt. Die Lesung ist

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Online reading with Fabian Schefold

online event

Fabian Schefold reads from his book Herr A - Arbeitsgeschichten and delights us with the everyday stories it describes. With musical accompaniment by Mars&Marble's participation

Poetry in Abbas Kiarostami: a contribution by Dr. Mahmood Hosseini Zad

The author and writer Mahmood Hosseini Zad will talk about poetry in Iranian cinema in a contribution, with a special focus on the films of Abbas Kiarostami. Kiarostami's films are regularly represented at the film festivals in Cannes, Venice and Berlin; The filmmaker himself was most recently a member of the Oscar jury. Mahmood Hosseini Zad was awarded the Goethe Medal and is considered the most important translator of German literature into Persian. His translations include works by Brecht, Dürrenmatt, Böll, Kafka, Judith Hermann and Peter Stamm. The contribution…

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The Dream of Tibet by Fariba Vafi and My Neighbor's Paradise by Nava Ebrahimi

In Fariba Vafi's The Dream of Tibet, young Scholeh suffers from lovesickness and flees to her half-sister Shiva and her husband Javid. While Scholeh is plagued by her own worries, she begins to question the happiness of the others: Is Schiwa happy with her husband? Does Djawid dream bigger than a family? What do intimacy, adultery and criticism of authority mean? Fariba Vafi will read and conduct the conversation in Farsi. Jutta Himmelreich translated. In Nava Ebrahimi's My Neighbor's Paradise, Ali Najjar believes his past is far behind…

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Webinar with Widad Nabi

online event

Our author Widad Nabi will read from her volume of poetry Kurz vor Thirty... kiss me (translated by Suleman Taufiq) on February 18, 2021 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The event is part of the Center for Mission and Ecumenism (Northern Church) three-part web seminar The Language of Flight. You can find more information here.

Pedro Kadivar and Suleman Taufiq in speech

online event

The Iranian Community in Germany e.V. (IGD) is organizing a storytelling salon on February 18, 2021, 6:00-8:30 p.m. as part of the value dialogue project "Your Values ​​- My Values ​​- Our Values" on the topic: "Culture as a constitutive element of international understanding – about migration, integration and identities”. We want to talk about these and other topics with the German-Syrian writer and editor Suleman Taufiq and the Iranian theater director and author Pedro Kadivar. Kadivar, who was born in Shiraz/Iran and later emigrated to Paris, sets out in his essay “Small…

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Kurt Scharf talking about contemporary Iranian poetry

In the volume Halt aus in der Nacht bis zum Wein, Kurt Scharf compiles poetry from the years 1941 to 1979, an epoch that he himself describes as the golden age of Persian poetry. The poems are enlivened by Scharf's sensitive translation in a splendor that gives German-speaking readers an authentic insight into the world of Persian poetry. Kurt Scharf was deputy director of the Goethe-Institut in Tehran as well as director of the Goethe-Institut in Porto Alegre, Istanbul and Lisbon. He is also a founding member of the…

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Suleman Taufiq bei #coronawinter

online event

On Saturday, February 20th at 7pm, our author Suleman Taufiq will be featured at the third live streaming event in the #CORONAWINTER 2020/21 series. The event is donation-based and is intended to support artists from the Aachen region. The live stream takes place on the Stolberg Evangelisch YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs8gvn4mrs-Yq0XJH7pjEEA

Symphony of the Dead by Abbas Maroufi

While Aidin reacts to his father's strictness with rebellion, his brother Urhan shows himself to be docile. Although the two completely different sons soon go their separate ways, the family bond brings them together again under dramatic circumstances. As soon as they are both back in their parents' house, the tensions between Aidin and Urhan increase. Tradition and progress as well as a tender love story are the central themes of Abbas Maroufi's family drama, which shows parallels to Cain and Abel. In this year the Symphony of the Dead, first published in 1989…

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One Week, One Life by Nassir Djafari

Shortly after his 18th birthday, Timm locks himself in his room. His father Hamid tries everything to get him out, but all efforts are in vain. A joint trip to Peru is intended to bring father and son closer together. But on Timm's 19th birthday of all things, Hamid leaves the hotel in the Andean city of Cusco in the morning and disappears. ”Nassir Djafari tells his story with sober warmth, it sounds paradoxical, but that's exactly how it works. And offers one aha moment after the next.” WDR Cosmo Nassir Djafari, 1952 in Iran…

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