Schirin Nowrousian: Branch

Sea Blue Word - Placeless A journey to the cascading waterfall of tongues. Deep down into the abyss of the miraculous encounter [...] With Ast and From Paris today... the poet and writer Schirin Nowrousian presents her second and third volumes of poetry. In July 2008 her first volume was published by farpoint recordings in Dublin in a German-English edition: Ziryabs Gnu. Dieser – in der Chronologie der Dinge – erste Band ist allerdings der gedachte dritte Band einer ganz besonderen "Trilogie": der Trilogik des Griffes. Ast and From Paris today... now represent the first two 'wings' of this trilogy. They appear in a twin-like double pack and thus complete the triple-like 'cycle'.


The author


lyric | 2nd edition 2016 | soft cover | 81 pages


Schirin Nowrousian: Branch

ISBN 978-3-933995-83-4 Genres ,


Schirin Nowrousian's poetry is extremely flexible and at the same time solid, and it is extremely varied. It speaks of the ever-bubbling joy of exploding and crossing borders: the reader finds in this poetry a liveliness and joy in experimentation, which allows him to experience the aspects of life discussed there in the truest sense of the word up close (and sometimes getting under the skin). It is a lyric of appeal as well as of withdrawal, of decoupling and renunciation, a lyric that speaks very directly, unadorned, and a lyric that is full of sentences, words and phrases that seem mysterious and full of what is felt, Intuition that runs through and through, and far-reaching, timeless streams of thought on human existence and the unhuman, the earth itself. The title alone of the opening poem of Ast, which gives the whole volume its name, tells of this il-logical grasp into life, the never-complete grasping and being grasped. In the poem Ast The very special experience of the branch, which repeatedly affirms thinking, recognition and non-recognition, speed and slowness, is combined with the Persian branch, which is simple and yet so complex and moving (he, she, it ) is named.

Ast becomes the constantly new test run of all seals. Through water and rock, these texts take us readers on a journey to ourselves and beyond; with every reading they become a liberation from too much that is held tight and fixed and burst and dislocate from the inside out, like numerous crystal structures that network, again and again seeing and hearing. Sound and silence, sparseness and fullness, seriousness and lightness, the invented and the undeterminable, which is in an unstoppable flow, work together so much here that sometimes a structure emerges whose language is unknown to everyone and yet so deeply familiar ... By the way: many a language flows through the two volumes, Ast and From Paris today... contains within itself a bond within a bond. There – like au passage – a small series of texts suits those who can speak French. untranslated. But don't worry: most of the approximately fifty texts in this volume are written in German.


Additional information

Weight 108 g
Dimensions 120 × 190 mm


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