Bernard Gotfryd: Anton the Pigeon Breeder

Bernard Gotfryd's stories, each self-contained, tell of his time as a youthful courier in the Polish resistance against the Nazi occupation, of his surviving stages in various concentration camps, and of the difficult years as a displaced person to the first years in the new American home, which were also not exactly easy.

Bernard Gotfryd

Translated from English by Michael Lehmann


Also available as an e-book:


prose | 1st edition 2021 | hardcover | 298 pages


Bernard Gotfryd: Anton the Pigeon Breeder

ISBN 978-3-96202-075-0 Genres , ,


Reading sample:

"My parents concluded that this was an ideal place for children; my brother, sister and I would spend the whole summer on the farm with our grandmother to take care of us while our parents returned to Radom to do business. Grandmother was a short lady. During the weekdays she covered her head with a headscarf; on public holidays the headscarf gave way to a wig. Then she could be found at the kitchen window where the light was good and she was reading the Old Testament in Hebrew. Her lips moved slowly and methodically, her eyes sparkling. She often told me stories that caught my imagination and made me dream of flying animals. My favorite was a flying cow that lays an egg in space; an eagle hatches from it, which saves the cow and brings it back down to earth. I never thought about the moral of the story."

Additional information

Weight 430 g
Dimensions 120 × 190 mm


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