
Jörg Wollenberg's project is reminiscent of stages in German history that have so far been insufficiently illuminated and explains which stages were effective long before 1933…


This product is currently not available! This book will soon be reprinted and will be available again. A textbook with a combined course…


In Bremen, more than 1,500 people fell victim to the Nazi tyranny, the number of deported and persecuted is over 3,000. The artist…


The Stolpersteine ​​project has existed in Bremen since 2004; since then, 583 stumbling blocks have been embedded in the sidewalk. Before the last place of residence or work…


In Bremen sind annähernd 1.500 Menschen Opfer der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft geworden; die Zahl der deportierten, verfolgten oder in "Schutzhaft" genommenen Menschen liegt


The author follows in the footsteps of the great diamonds through history. Greed, cupidity, envy and murder were often the result when it…


Eine kleine Kultur- Geschichte über den "Garten der Menschenrechte" (2000 - 2014). Bremen bietet mit der Lerngelegenheit im Rhododendronpark etwas ganz Besonderes:


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This book contains the historical and current documents on the colonial theme, the thematically related poems on the Bremen anti-colonial monument "The Elephant!"…


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