Peter Christoffersen, Barbara Johr (ed.): Stumbling blocks in Bremen. Biographical search for traces - Bremen Ostertor, eastern suburb

In Bremen sind annähernd 1.500 Menschen Opfer der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft geworden; die Zahl der deportierten, verfolgten oder in "Schutzhaft" genommenen Menschen liegt um ein Vielfaches höher. Über 1.000 jüdische Bürger mussten emigrieren. Der Künstler Gunter Demnig erinnert an die NS-Opfer, indem er in vor ihrem letzten selbst gewählten Wohnort Stolpersteine - Gedenktafeln aus Messing - in den Bürgersteig einlässt, in Deutschland und in Europa.


Nonfiction | 1st edition 2016 | soft cover | 228 pages


Peter Christoffersen, Barbara Johr (ed.): Stumbling blocks in Bremen. Biographical search for traces - Bremen Ostertor, eastern suburb

ISBN 978-3-944201-58-0 Genres ,


In Bremen nearly 1,500 people fell victim to the National Socialist dictatorship; the number of people deported, persecuted or taken into “protective custody” is many times higher. Over 1,000 Jewish citizens had to emigrate. The artist Gunter Demnig commemorates the victims of National Socialism by placing stumbling blocks – commemorative plaques made of brass – in the pavement in front of their last self-chosen place of residence, in Germany and in Europe. Between 2004 and 2014 over 600 stumbling blocks were laid in Bremen. An extensive biographical search for traces preceded the minimal biographical data on the stumbling blocks. The Stolpersteine ​​Bremen project will publish all biographies in several volumes, sorted by city and district. The books build on each other in that, in addition to the local focus, they also contain different basic depictions of Bremen during the Nazi era.

In addition to biographical outlines, this volume (Ostertor - Steintor - Hulsberg - Fesenfeld - Peterswerder) contains articles on history and its traces. The focus is on the stories of the Ostertorwache prison, the Jewish businesses and freelancers as well as the houses and residents at Kohlhökerstraße 6 and Ostertorsteinweg 77 and the Professor Hess Children's Clinic. A glossary of important terms and a timeline on Nazi history complete the range of information.
The book is accompanied by a city map with the laying locations marked for a personal search for traces of the stumbling blocks in the Ostertor and the eastern suburbs. The respective biographical portraits can be found in the book using a numbering system and enable the historical background to be explored on site.

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Additional information

Weight 816 g
Dimensions 170 × 240 mm


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