Garous Abdolmalekian: When the War ended, the Peace killed the People

Which bridge is broken in which place in the world that no one arrives at home anymore?

Garous Abdolmalekian is now one of the most important poets on the current poetry scene and literary voices in Iran. He is part of a younger generation of Iranian authors who, unlike their predecessors, do not speak in a coded form, but speak directly and particularly vividly of every human being's right to freedom. This new generation, which did not have to endure any direct contact with war, chose individuality and language censorship as central themes.

Translated from Farsi by Jutta Himmelreich

Garous Abdolmalekian


lyric | 1st edition 2021 | soft cover | 104 pages


Garous Abdolmalekian: When the War ended, the Peace killed the People


This volume of poetry combines a series of intimate and protest-laden texts that will surprise its readers again and again and thus stimulate them to think and rethink. The philosophical and political scraps of thought listed here reveal a world view that can currently be found particularly in Europe.


Untitled (4)

the machine gun,
and imagine the bee
the middle of a minefield
looking for a flower.

Untitled (5)

"I love you",
you said.
went out into the street.
There wasn't enough space inside to fly.

Additional information

Weight 150 g
Dimensions 140 × 190 mm


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