Salem Khalfani


Salem Khalfani was born in Iran in 1963 and has lived in Germany since 1985. After studying literature at the University of Mainz, in 2003 he published a study on the “Similarities of the Absurd” in European literature. He has also published numerous literary articles, reviews and short stories in Iranian.

Last Released

In his latest novel, Salem Khalfani reports on a six-storey building in a German city. The characters are closely interwoven despite their random references. Ms. Habel cannot tear herself away from the memory of her runaway cat. She has been looking for her continuously for many years and accuses Josef Bahden of having hidden her cat.

Did he really hide her? He too seems to be very busy thinking about Mrs. Habel and her cat. In reality, however, he is more concerned with the literature, which, instead of being a salvation for him, only confuses him more and more.

In the end, however, only the narrator can save himself from his Babylonian tower, since he gives a context to everything that happened by telling about it and at the same time finding out what actually happened to the cat.

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