

Adonis (Ali Ahmad Saïd Esber) was born in Qassabin in Syria in 1930, but has lived in Paris since 1985. He borrowed the name Adonis from the Syro-Phoenician god of vegetation to publish a poem. He was 17 at the time. Today he still publishes poetry, but his work also includes essays – the pseudonym has remained. Adonis studied at the universities of Damascus and Beirut and has been awarded numerous literary prizes in France, Italy, Turkey and Lebanon.
In 2001 he received the Goethe Medal and in 2011 the Goethe Prize of the City of Frankfurt. In 2013 he was awarded the Petrarca Prize, in 2015 the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize of the city of Osnabrück. He is also a regular contender for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Last Released

Syria - A pillow for heaven and earth

A book of poetry by the great Syrian poet Adonis and photographs by Fadi Masri Zada. The volume brings together impressive photo documents from Syria from before the start of the war and accompanying poems. With every photo and every word, all facets of Syria are brought closer to the readers.

A poem for each photo.
A photo for each poem.

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