Gerrit Wustmann


Gerrit Wustmann, born in Cologne in 1982, is a freelance writer and journalist. Among other things, he writes for Qantara (Deutsche Welle) and 54books about world literature, his contributions are also published by WDR, taz, Heise online, Der Freitag and other media.
He has published ten books to date, including a German-Turkish trilogy of poetry about Istanbul, which has also been published in Turkey. His poems have been translated into numerous languages ​​including Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Greek and Italian. He received several grants for his literary work, as well as the 2012 postpoetry.NRW poetry prize and the 2015 prize for young artists from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.


Last Released

There's nothing funny about it

An official wants to check whether a person exists - and has forms with fatal consequences in his luggage. A widower receives a visit from his dead previous tenant. A hypochondriac finds a cure for eternal health - but there's a nasty catch. A little girl has a new imaginary friend... with murderous intentions. A man hears a mysterious knocking sound over and over again, slowly driving him crazy. And a homicide detective gets lost in the middle of a terribly bad crime script.

Ten stories full of deep black humor, populated by desperate people, losers and other ghosts. In his first story collection, Gerrit Wustmann uses all genres and turns the inside out. The perfect read for long, dark autumn evenings. Or for all those who wait for the train on closed routes.

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