Kostas Chalemos


Kostas Chalemos was born in Athens in 1961. He studied journalism and worked for 40 years as a sports journalist for newspapers, magazines, radio and websites. After his debut Journey of Icarus (2012) he wrote Varda Vouliamento (2013), Like birds they kill (2015), No. 32730- The Odyssee of a Hostage (2017) and The Bull of Manchester (2020).

Last Released

KZ-Nr. 32730- Spiros ’Odyssee

The Athenian journalist Kostas Chamelos tells the odyssey of the Greek partisan Spiros Pasaloglou. His report is rough, direct, unpolished and therefore intense. His fate is representative of 10,000 other fates and of the brutal occupation regime of the Germans in Greece, a chapter of Nazi history that has been neglected in the culture of remembrance to this day.

Translated from the Greek by Michaela Prinzinger

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