Luiz Antonio de Assis Brasil


Luiz Antonio de Assis Brasil is an author and university professor in Brazil, specializing in creative writing.
He leads the country's oldest literary writing workshop, which has now been in existence for 35 years, and in this context published the book in 2019 Writing Fiction. His former students write for the best publishers in Brazil and receive recognition from both the public and literary critics. Luiz Antonio de Assis Brasil himself has now published a total of 19 works. From 2011 to 2014 he was head of the State Book Institute and Minister of Culture in Rio Grande do Sul. He has been awarded the Portugal Telecom Prize and the Jabuti Literature Prize.

Last Released

figure in the shadow

figure in the shadow is about the man who accompanied Alexander von Humboldt on his journey to South America. While the latter is generally well known, the French physician and botanist Aimé Bonpland has been studiously overlooked in Germany. However, the naming of a mountain peak in the Andes, a lunar crater, an asteroid and a plant species bear witness to his outstanding role as a naturalist. Bonpland had a significant influence on the Enlightenment during the French Revolution and was later Napoleon's botanist and intendant of his castle in Malmaison. Sensitively and with a sense of drama, the author describes the fate of this extraordinary person in a novel that is equally gripping in terms of content and literature.

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