Eugène Green: The Reconstruction

"Ein katastrophales Treffen heute Morgen mit einem unbekannten Deutschen. Er ist kein Verrückter, aber er ist ein tiefunglücklicher Mann, denn er glaubt herausgefunden zu haben, dass er ein anderer ist, dessen Namen er nicht einmal kennt", so schreibt es Jérôme Lafargue, Professor an der Sorbonne, in sein Tagebuch. Johann Launer hatte ihn um dieses Treffen in einem Pariser Café gebeten, in der Überzeugung, dass nur Lafargue und seine Frau ihm würden helfen können, Licht in das Rätsel seiner Vergangenheit zu bringen…

Translated from French by Shirin Novosian

The author


prose | 1st edition 2012 | soft cover | 204 pages


Eugène Green: The Reconstruction

ISBN 978-3-933995-96-4 Genres ,


"A disastrous meeting this morning with an unknown German. He is not a madman, but he is a deeply unhappy man because he thinks he has discovered that he is someone else whose name he does not even know,” writes Jérôme Lafargue, a professor at the Sorbonne, in his diary. Johann Launer had asked him to meet him in a Parisian café, convinced that only Lafargue and his wife could help him to shed light on the mystery of his past... And at first it all seems like an exploration of memories. But The Reconstruction that is gradually taking place between Munich in September 1968, Prague occupied by the Nazis, and Paris today is much more: it is a journey through the labyrinth of life, whose energies are rediscovered and always come together in a present that can be found again, in our Now, where everything breathes and blossoms.


Additional information

Weight 236 g
Dimensions 120 × 190 mm


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