
Widad Nabi's poems are about unfathomable love, looking back on the past, searching for home. Openly feminist she gives…


Ulrike Marie Hille takes her readership with her on her travels. Looking at the world, the lyrical I travels through "poetic landscapes" until…


In his forthcoming volume Solar Wind, the Bremen poet Bernd Jaeger writes with a distancing (self-)irony about his everyday thoughts and prayers,…


In his poems, Suleman Taufiq takes us into a wonderful foreign world, a world with all its transience, excess, changeability,…


In her work, Farrochsād goes against both literary and social conventions, thereby breaking all taboos. She holds the…


What was and remained is inscribed in memory. The poems are their notes. Art captures what in words and pictures…


In his new volume, the Bremen author and artist Gunther Gerlach combines simple, expressive brush drawings with symbolic language rich in metaphors. Together with…


The new volume of poetry by Gunther Gerlach, who sees his way of writing as an expressive, sculptural writing process in order to uncover emotional worlds. Illustrations by…


Eberhard Pfleiderer dedicates his new book to hats. He explores how much hats influence us and what they are about…


Transparent Feud, Schirin Nowrousian's new volume of poetry, is extraordinary in several respects: it is a volume that deals with the topic…


In this new publication, subtitled A Selection of the Most Beautiful Persian Poems of the 20th Century, Kurt Scharf presents poetry from the years…


"Bernd Jaeger, der seine Gedichte unbekümmert um alle Moden schreibt, ist ein medialer Autor, der tastend, doch genau skandierend seinen Eingebungen folgt,


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