
Abbe, 62 years old, a successful Frankfurt businessman and cosmopolitan, sees himself as German. His Iranian roots are buried. Than him one…


In 2016, alongside many people seeking protection, a writer from Afghanistan also came to Germany. Taqi was supported by a work grant from the Heinrich-Böll-Haus Langenbroich association…

In his latest novel, Salem Khalfani reports on a six-storey building in a German city. The characters are random despite their references…


Two refugees in Berlin. One came from East Germany, the other from Iran. They have been one for almost twenty years…


With "Sons of Love" Ghazi Rabihavi draws a comprehensive and representative picture of Iran in the years just before and immediately after…


The late 1960s in Frankfurt are politically and socially turbulent times in which old certainties begin to falter. Especially for…


Er gilt als "eine der kraftvollsten und phantasievollsten dichterischen Stimmen des postkolonialen frankophonen Maghreb" (Pierre Joris). Gleichsam visionär greift Habib Tengour in
