Astrid Mueller


Astrid Müller was born in Baden-Württemberg in 1956. After studying German and art, she worked as a teacher for a few years. For many years, the Speicherbühne in Bremen’s Überseestadt was the place where she and her colleagues produced sensual theater for people who were keen to experiment and think. The stage has been "mobile" since 2020, but your topics such as migration, identity, homeland, racism, democracy are moving with you.

Last Released

My father's silence

Do you ever know the other?
The father of Doan, a young woman brought up in France by Vietnamese parents, suffers a stroke and can no longer speak: he now lives in silence, only able to utter "O" and "A" sounds. Then the young woman Doan realizes that she actually knows nothing about him, about his past, about his origins. It's too late now to get answers to their questions.

This is fateful irony: she, who asks questions by profession because she is a journalist, she who has interviewed migrants from all over the world, never questioned her own father. She knows nothing or has never researched the history of her family, who left Vietnam as exiles.
That's the rule in her family – people keep quiet.

Translated from the French by Dr. Phillip Wellnitz

Read by Astrid Muller