Reading with Amir Shaheen - "Residual Light Traces" and more

On April 13th there will be a reading of Amir Shaheen's volume of poetry "Light traces rest light" which has just been published this year in the Literature Café Khawaran in Hürth-Hermülheim (near Cologne). Shaheen presents his new volume of poetry "Light Traces Remaining Light" and reads from his books - poems, columns, satirical texts. Amir Shaheen follows the tracers of light in our time and also detects the residual light on darker days. Seas, roads, departures and farewells, days elapsing and ill-used, the time that was never had or that remains,

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Re-Release "Remaining Light Traces" - Amir Shaheen

It's finally here! We are very happy to hold the great volume of poetry by the poetry award winner Amir Shaheen in our hands. Divided into three groups, Leuchtspuren Restlicht brings together around sixty poems, including the poem “Sediment” for the first time in a book, for which Shaheen was awarded the prize in November 2018. Here is the book.

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Amir Shaheen in Bonn

The poetry award winners Amir Shaheen and Lea Weiß held a reading at the Elisabeth Selbert Comprehensive School, where they also answered questions about their writing process, such as the duration of a work's development. The Generalanzeiger Bonn reported.

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Reading Amir Shaheen - "Residual Light Traces" and more

On March 14, there will be a reading of Amir Shaheen's volume of poetry "Light traces rest light", which has just been published this year, at the Tee de Cologne in Cologne-Ehrenfeld. Shaheen presents his new volume of poetry "Light Traces Remaining Light" and reads from his books - poems, columns, satirical texts. Amir Shaheen follows the tracers of light in our time and also detects the residual light on darker days. Seas, roads, departures and farewells, elapsing and misused days, the time that one never had or that still remains, ephemeral, futile,

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