Reading with Doan Bui: My father's silence (Düsseldorf)

French Institute Düsseldorf Bilker Strasse 7-9, 40213 Dusseldorf

Reading with Doan Bui: My Father's Silence - New Release January 2018 Translated from French by Dr. Philippe Wellnitz Moderation and reading of the excerpts in German by Dr. Philippe Wellnitz, director of the Institut francais _____________________________ Do you ever know the other? The father of Doan, a young woman who grew up in France as a child of Vietnamese parents, falls victim to a stroke and can no longer speak: he now lives in silence, only able to utter "O" and "A" sounds. There will…

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Reading with Doan Bui: My Father's Silence (Cologne)

French Institute Köln Sachsenring 79, 50677 Cologne

Reading with Doan Bui: My Father's Silence - New Release January 2018 Translated from French by Dr. Philippe Wellnitz Moderation and reading of the excerpts in German by Dr. Philippe Wellnitz, director of the Institut francais _____________________________ Do you ever know the other? The father of Doan, a young woman who grew up in France as a child of Vietnamese parents, falls victim to a stroke and can no longer speak: he now lives in silence, only able to utter "O" and "A" sounds. There will…

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LitProm Literature Days 2018 (with Fariba Vafi)

Literature House in Frankfurt Beautiful View 2, Frankfurt

Workshop discussion: Beyond the veil: Facets of female emancipation For us in the West, the veil and emancipation are all too quickly mutually exclusive. But emancipation has many faces - also in literature. How is it shaped in the works of female authors whose culture is supposedly shaped by the veil and the role models that go with it? With: Raja Alem (Saudi Arabia/FR) Fariba Vafi (Iran) Moderator: Sandra Kegel We recommend arriving 30 minutes before the start of the workshop discussion.

LitProm Literature Days 2018 (with Fariba Vafi)

Reading room of the Literaturhaus Frankfurt Beautiful View 2, Frankfurt

"We should all be feminists"! Feminismus für alle? Abschlusspodium "We should all be feminists" fordert die nigerianische Autorin Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie mit provozierender Selbstverständlichkeit. Wie sehen das andere Autorinnen? Haben sie den Feminismus auf ihrer literarischen Agenda? Und wenn ja: Wie sähe er aus in einem postkolonialen beziehungsweise transnationalen Kontext? Mit: Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor (Kenia) Claudia Pineiro (Argentinien) Laksmi Pamuntjak (Indonesien) Fariba Vafi (Iran) Moderation: Barbara Wahlster

Reading with Doan Bui: My Father's Silence (Bremen)

French Institute Bremen Counterscarp 19, 28203 Bremen

New release in January 2018 Translated from the French by Dr. Philippe Wellnitz Moderation and reading of the excerpts in German by Dr. Philippe Wellnitz, director of the Institut francais _____________________________ Do you ever know the other? The father of Doan, a young woman who grew up in France as a child of Vietnamese parents, falls victim to a stroke and can no longer speak: he now lives in silence, only able to utter "O" and "A" sounds. Then the young woman Doan realizes that she actually has nothing…

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Reading with Doan Bui: My father's silence (Erfurt)

House Dacheröden Anger 37-38, 99084 Erfurt

Reading with Doan Bui: My Father's Silence - New Release January 2018 Translated from French by Dr. Philippe Wellnitz Moderation and reading of the excerpts in German by Dr. Philippe Wellnitz, director of the Institut francais _____________________________ Do you ever know the other? The father of Doan, a young woman who grew up in France as a child of Vietnamese parents, falls victim to a stroke and can no longer speak: he now lives in silence, only able to utter "O" and "A" sounds. There will…

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Book premiere 'Then we were expected on earth'

Franz Leuwer bookstore Am Wall 171, 28195 Bremen

'Then we were expected on earth' Laboratory Walter Benjamin by Ulrike Gies Introduction: Inge Buck reading as part of the Bremen book premieres from the event series of the Bremen City Library & of the Bremer Literaturkontor ______________________________ Ulrike Gie's literary essay deals with Walter Benjamin's life and theory. Born in Berlin in 1892, he committed suicide in 1942 on the French-Spanish border while attempting to flee to the USA. Benjamin is one of the most important European philosophers of the 20th century. But we have it at “Then we are…

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Leseabend mit Suleman Taufiq in Minden

Minden City Library Königswall 99

Suleman Taufiq liest aus seiner Novelle "Cafe Dunya. Ein Tag in Damaskus", die eine Hommage an seine Heimatstadt und eine Reise durch das Gedächtnis Syriens ist. Hierbei wird die Rückkehr eines jungen Mannes in seine Heimatstadt mit der Geschichte eines berühmten Kaffeehauses und seinen verschiedenen Besuchern verknüpft. Mit feiner Beobachtungsgabe und leisem Humor beschwört er stimmungsvolle Bilder aus einer versinkenden, orientalischen Lebenswelt. Im zweiten Teil des Abends liest der Autor Textausschnitte aus seinem neuen Gedichtband “Ich zähme die Hoffnung”. In seinen Gedichten nimmt

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Stumbling blocks in Schwachhausen - musical reading

St Ansgarii Parish Schwachhauser Heerstrasse 40, 28213 Bremen

Stumbling blocks in Schwachhausen - musical reading with Rainer Iwersen (reciter) and Madjid Mohit (guitar). The fourth volume (Schwachhausen/HornLehe) contains not only biographical outlines but also articles on history and its traces, especially in the two parts of the city. Topics include the post-war history of the Jewish community in Bremen, the Reddersen house, "Jewish houses" and an updated history of the deportation of Bremen's Jews to the Minsk ghetto. A glossary of important terms and a compilation of literature complete the range of information. A city map with the entry of the laying locations is included and allows a personal…

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