Workshop reading with Halim Youssef

Quarters of the Wilhelm-Dörpfeld-Gymnasium Johannisberg 20, Wuppertal

For the third time in 2024, the VS-Wuppertal invites you to a workshop reading. Halim Youssef reads the short story “My Father's Eyes”. In Aleppo, the father's eye problem is miraculously healed. A story that makes you smile. After the contributions, which each last 20 minutes, there is time for discussion on the text presented. Free entrance to this event.

Reading with Halim Youssef: “99 scattered pearls”

Hanover City Library Hildesheimer Straße 12, Hanover

"Es ist ein Buch, das jeder lesen sollte, der ein authentisches Bild zur Lage der Kurden, zur Flüchtlingspolitik und zur Situation von Migranten bekommen möchte." - Dr. Heiger Ostertag Halim Youssef liest aus seinem Roman "99 zerstreute Perlen".

West-Östlicher Diwan e.V. invites you to the first film evening in the Text’n Art space: “Football under Cover”

Sujet Verlag Bornstraße 18, Bremen, Bremen

Marlene is a left-back for an amateur football club in Berlin. When she heard that the Iranian women's national soccer team was missing opponents, she made a plan to travel to Tehran with her women's team for a friendly match. During her preparatory trip to Tehran, she meets Niloofar, who shares her passion for David Beckham. Despite all the cultural differences, the love of football is motivation enough to play the game despite all the opposition. Marlene's team travels to Tehran and plays the game of their lives. Football Under Cover is…

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How does an Arabic children's book get into the German-speaking world?

FTSK of the University of Mainz At University 2, Germersheim

Welchen Weg muss ein arabisches Buch gehen, um deutschsprachigen Kindern vorgestellt werden zu können? Diese und weitere Fragen beantwortet Madjid Mohit im Gespräch mit Dr. Mahmoud Hassanein an der Uni Mainz. Der Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft bietet am 4. Juli eine Veranstaltung zu der Frage "Wie kommt ein arabisches Kinderbuch in die deutschsprachige Welt?" an. Hier bekommt ihr mehr Informationen

Nassir Djafari reads from "The Grand Cousin"

Wehrheim Evangelical Community Center Oranienstrasse 8a, Wehrheim

In the Evangelical Community Center in Wehrheim, Nassir Djafari reads from Der Großcousin on July 8th. Come over!

Nassir Djafari reads from "The Grand Cousin"

Cafe Mina Dreieichstrasse 45

Here comes another reading date from Nassir Djafari: On July 10th he will read at Café Mina in Frankfurt am Main. The reading is accompanied by a Persian musician.

Poetry market | 25th Poetry Festival Berlin 2024

Silent Green Cultural Quarter inner courtyard Courthouse 35, Berlin

We will be there next Saturday, July 20th between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Berlin Lyrikmarkt 2024 with our new poetry program. We look forward to meeting you there.

Reading and discussion with Amir Shaheen

Altena City Library Marktstraße 14-16, Altena (Westphalia)

Am Freitag, dem 13. September 2024 ist Amir Shaheen in der Stadtbücherei Altena anzutreffen. Dort liest er aus seinem neusten Lyrikband "Vor uns ein Horizont" vor.