Schirin Nowrousian: Vitreous Feud

(2 customer reviews)

Glass feud, the new volume of poetry by Schirin Nowrousian, is extraordinary in several respects: It is a volume that takes on the subject of fear and sadness, and sometimes quite directly, without beating around the bush, with all fragility and force, which is by no means requires courage. And at the same time it is a volume full of linguistic vitality and musicality through language: in addition to texts in German and English, Persian and Lithuanian sprinkles, there are lines in Portuguese and French, to which their German versions are always attached. There are also two poems, one in French, one in Spanish, which did not come from Schirin's pen, but from the pens of two fellow lyricists, and whose filigree translations the author has incorporated into the volume - like tender soul mates from a very short distance.


The author


lyric | 1st edition 2019 | softcover | 116 pages


Schirin Nowrousian: Vitreous Feud


Glass feud is a volume that once again bears witness to the extraordinary talent of the author, to her uniquely polyphonic voice. In her writing, form and content determine one another, produce one another. Things behave there in a certain way as in all living things, where both types of growth and functions cannot be separated from one another, not even when they seem to be drifting apart (both vigorously and gently), which can certainly happen: their effectiveness is always unfolding like a body shooting up or a blossom that opens, even if they are blossoms that are immediately torn apart by the wind of the world when they open. And so numerous new language structures, language networks and growths arose for this volume, in which the simple and the lush, the light and the heavy, the light and the dark, the supple and the bulky, as well as what is expressed through them, come together. A work of (alleged!) transparency, which in reality is more like a 'milky' glass broken into parts, a wafer-thin, slightly crumpled paper on which literature stands and yet never penetrates it in its entirety is.

Additional information

Weight 194 g
Dimensions 140 × 190 mm

2 reviews for Schirin Nowrousian: Vitreous Feud

  1. Maria

    The language in this volume is truly beautiful and thought provoking. I keep going back to the book and reading the lyrics.

  2. Anna Dabrowska

    The volume "Gläserne Fehde" by Schirin Nowrousian contains numerous poems and three black-and-white photos that emphasize and reflect the mood of the poems. Multilingualism plays an important role in the collection of poems, because in addition to German, French, Portuguese and Persian are also found here. Thanks to this mixture of different languages, cultural penetration is possible not only on the level of content, but also on the level of aesthetics. Different stylistic layers are used so that the poetics oscillate beautifully between the high and the low. Nowrousian's own poems also have a very interesting interaction with two poems by Miguel Hernández and Samuel Beckett, which the poetess translated into German. In addition to intertextuality, intermediality plays an important role in the volume, not only because of the photos already mentioned, but also because of numerous subtle references to dance, music, other literary works and film. The collection of poems encourages readers to reflect on grief, fear and loneliness, among other things. There are phrases in it that are very easy to remember. Sometimes they are based on language games that inspire readers to think. An example of this is offered by the sentence: "Love in return is just as much an opponent as love for oneself is the owner". The book of poems is also characterized by great emotional potential. The images from the natural world and the central motif of glass and reflection appear ambiguous and spread a unique atmosphere around them. In summary, I heartily recommend this volume!

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