Bilingual Reading on “Night Wind”

On January 9th, 2020, a bilingual reading with Inge Buck and Madjid Mohit took place in the Sattler bookshop. Inge Buck read from her volume of poems Nachwind, which contains poems about the rhythm of the seasons and their imperceptible loss. In addition, Madjid Mohit presented some of his translations of the texts into Persian. Multilingualism was then the subject of a discussion on literature and the importance of translation for it. There was also musical accompaniment by guitar and vocals by Mohit. Thanks to everyone involved for the

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Interview mit Doğan Akhanlı

An interesting interview by Gerrit Wustmann with Doğan Akhanlı has appeared on The two not only talk about the historical background of "Madonna's Last Dream", but also about the political significance of the novel and its reception in Turkey as well as the current political situation there. Themes that arise are guilt, innocence and looking the other way; today as then, here and in Turkey. Here's the interview!

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Reading for the special edition Lothar Bührmann

We dedicated the evening of December 17, 2019 to the Bremen artist Lothar Bührmann, who died in August of this year. A reading with Inge Buck, Cornelius Kopffinke, Rudolph Bauer and Madjid Mohit took place in the Villa Ichon. Not only poems illustrated by Lothar Bührmann were read, but also texts by and about him. In addition, there was musical accompaniment by Majid Mohit. The poems that have been read can be found in the special edition "Lothar Bührmann in Words and Pictures" which will be available from us in October

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Premiere of the Lyrikkalenders 2020

On December 10, 2019, there was a surprisingly different reading in the Franz Leuwer bookshop. Texts for each month were read by four of the calendar's twenty-seven authors. Inge Buck, Elke Marion Weiß, Gunther Gerlach and Matthias Groll took part. Everyone read their own as well as other people's texts. An exception was made by Gunther Gerlach, who, in order to make it exciting, announced that anyone who wanted to hear his text would have to buy the calendar themselves. There was also musical accompaniment by Madjid Mohit. Thanks a lot to

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Widad Nabi in the Vogue

Widad Nabi has appeared in the January issue of Vogue with her book of poems "Shortly before thirty, ... kiss me"! And we at Sujet Verlag are incredibly proud!!! This issue is about the future visions of women for radical equality and solidarity. Annett Gröschner writes about Nabi's texts: "In them she sings about the freedom of women, who love whom and what they like, who rebel and oppose war with nothing but their bodies and their language." Beautiful photos by the author are also included.

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Habib Tengour and Redouane Belakhdar in Bremen

On December 5th there was a bilingual event with Habib Tengour and Redouane Belakhdar at the Instiut francais Bremen. Tengour read in French from his book "The Old Man from the Mountains" and there was an exciting contribution on the relationship between literature and politics as well as on the current political situation in Algeria from Belakhdar.

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Reading and discussion with Salem Khalfani

On September 25, some excerpts from the book "The First Days of the World" were read alternately by Angelika Sinn and the author, Salem Khalfani, in the Storm bookstore. This was followed by an interesting conversation about highly topical issues such as writing in the second language, identity, belonging and philosophical reflections on various themes that emerge in the book. Many thanks to all participants and guests for this great reading!

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New release “Poetry Calendar 2020”

Our new poetry calendar will be released on October 1st! A calendar with a fascinating combination of text and images Finally it's here! Our poetry calendar will be available from October 1st. The biweekly calendar contains twenty-seven wonderful poems by our authors. We have selected a selection of the most beautiful poems that we have published. It was a difficult process as we all value our works very much. The authors are: Eberhard Pfleiderer, Suleman Taufiq, Ahmad Schamlu, Elke Marion Weiß, Maya Abu Al Hayyat, Forugh Farrochsad, Gerrit

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Poetry in memory and present - Funun Festival 2019

Under the title "Poetry in memory and present", the two Syrian authors Ramy Al-Asheq (memory dogs) and Widad Nabi (about thirty, ...kiss me) read from their works for us last Thursday as part of the Funun Festival. The evening was moderated by Jasmina Heritani, with Aladdin Haddad providing the musical accompaniment. The poems were recited in two languages, Arabic and German. Afterwards there was an exciting conversation with the audience about the personal experiences of the two poets with their old and new homeland,

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Poetry in the living room of Sujet Verlag

As part of "Bremen reads!" Last Friday we had a really comfortable time at our publishing house. Shirin Nowrousian, Inge Buck and Gunther Gerlach read from their lyrical works. The publisher Madjid Mohit sat with them on the sofa, did the Persian translation of some of the poems and provided musical interludes in between. In this compilation, very different styles, tones, rhythms and languages, music and lyrics met and resulted in a completely new sound. The living room was full. It was a mixed bag

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Doğan Akhanlı in Weimar – and Bremen!

Doğan Akhanlı, author of "Madonna's Last Dream", is many things: winner of the Goethe Medal 2019, Turkish descent, German citizen, political activist, armed only with the word. Also, he travels a lot these days. He has experienced and suffered a lot and has a lot to say.

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Kurt Scharf, Antology: Hold Out In The Night Until Wine

The poets in this collection reached their peak in the heyday of modern Persian poetry. At that time, the artistic will of the Iranians concentrated on poetry in a way that we can hardly imagine, and in a pre-modern society that meant verse. These poets enjoyed incredible prestige and success. They determined the intellectual climate of the time This period began in a period of only a few years without strict censorship in 1941 after the accession of the last Shah. as

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Hot off the press: Madonna's last dream!

The joy is huge! The freshly printed copies of the book "Madonna's Last Dream" by Doğan Akhanlı have just reached us here at the publishing house. We're thrilled to finally be able to hold it in our hands - now we're excited to share the story with you.

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Doğan Akhanlı im Interview mit dem WDR

Doğan Akhanlı was a guest at WDR to mark the forthcoming awarding of the Goethe Medal. The conversation was about his personal past, Goethe and his influence. intercultural and international dialogue and Germany as a space for historical reflection and dialogue. The conversation also touched on the work Madonna's last dream, which was published for the first time in German on August 15th. The book, which among other things deals with the refugee ship 'Struma', is frighteningly topical today. The interview can be found here in the WDR media library:

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Inge Buck's introduction to the book premiere of The Birds Return

Inge Buck gave the visitors of the book premiere of Jürg Beeler's new volume of poetry "The Birds Return" a wonderful introduction to the author's work. Here you will find a copy of the prelude to a great reading: After his last volume of poetry "In Fremdenzimmer" from Zurich's Wolfbach Verlag, new poems by Jürg Beeler have now been published by Bremen's Sujet Verlag under the title "Die Vogele zurück" (The Birds Are Returning). Jürg Beeler, born in Zurich in 1957, studied German, literary criticism and comparative literature at the Universities of Geneva, Zurich and Tübingen.

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New Review – “Memory Dogs” by Ramy Al-Asheq

The NZZ am Sonntag writes about the recently published volume of poetry “Gedächtnishunde” by Ramy Al-Asheq: “The war in Syria has spread Arabic poetry all over the world. Ramy Al-Asheq (*1989) is one of the countless people who had to flee in 2011 after the suppressed protest against Bashar al-Asad. Now he lives and writes poetry in Germany and forms beguilingly unwieldy language pictures from the devastation of war and the injuries of love. In the eponymous poem “Memory Dogs”, The War in Syria spread Arabic poetry all over the world

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New Release "The Old Man from the Mountain" - Habib Tengour

Just arrived from the printing press: "The Old Man from the Mountains" by Habib Tengour! He is considered "one of the most powerful and imaginative poetic voices of the post-colonial francophone Maghreb" (Pierre Joris). In an equally visionary manner, Habib Tengour takes up topics in his books that only become the focus of the media years later. In Old von Berge, which he writes between 1977 and 1981, he traces religious totalitarianism, asks about the intellectual's responsibility in the face of war, corruption and ideological hardening, the suitability of religion, science and politics

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New release "Nachtwind" - Inge Buck

The wait is finally over! We are very pleased to announce that Inge Buck's new volume of poetry, Nachtwind, has recently been published here by Sujet Verlag. Here you can get a little foretaste: Fresh snow A lot is not good, but that the fresh snow covers everything for one afternoon one evening one night The poetic miniatures are congenially accompanied by the minimalistic cartoons by Lothar Bührmann. The book premiere will take place on May 16 in the Leuwer bookstore. Look forward to

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Re-Release "The First Days of the World" - Salem Khalfani

We are happy about the release of Salem Khalfani's new novel “The First Days of the World”. In it, the protagonist reports retrospectively how he found his first love in the teacher Leili as a fourth-grade student. He only becomes aware of the transitoriness of time after the long summer holidays have begun and Leili then leaves the village school forever. But he can't forget his first love. He writes (love) letters to the address of her house in Tehran several times without

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New review of "Ella and Max and the Singing Butterflies"

The Weser-Kurier writes about the recently published youth novel "Ella and Max and the Singing Butterflies" by Monika Dietrich-Lüders: "The 13-year-old investigative duo involuntarily finds itself faced with a new case. "Ella and Max and the Singing Butterflies" is the second children's crime novel by Monika Dietrich-Lüders. While the two friends, who have known each other since first grade, only had to deal with a strange classmate in "On the Trail of the Voodoo Magician", here they meet a whole group of strange people whose peculiarities are mainly due to prejudices

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Readings "Ella and Max..." - Monika Dietrich-Lüders

We look forward to numerous readings for children and young people by Monika Dietrich-Lüders with her new book "Ella and Max and the Singing Butterflies"! Ella and Max, two thirteen-year-old school friends, are spending a week at a summer camp in the Alps. In the nearby small town, a tourist was attacked and seriously injured during a folk festival. A young man who disappeared at the same time is suspected. He is said to have fled to the mountains. But Ella and Max soon doubt his guilt,

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Book premiere "Ella and Max..." with Monika Dietrich-Lüders

On May 2nd, 2019 the book premiere of the new novel by Monika Dietrich-Lüders, "Ella and Max and the singing butterflies", took place in the Franz Leuwer bookshop. After the author read excerpts from the serialized novel, there was an open question and answer session with all the guests. After “Ella and Max – On the Trail of Voodoo Magic” the sequel to the young adult novel is now also available from Sujet Verlag. Here are some impressions from the event:

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Re-Release "Nearing Thirty, ... Kiss Me" - Widad Nabi

Good news! The new volume of poetry Shortly before thirty, ... kiss me by the successful author Widad Nabi arrived here at Sujet Verlag today. Wonderful texts await you! First of all, there is a little foretaste: I bring up mourning in the empty flower pots on my balcony. The green has left my home since the last cry of a starving child in my country. Translation from Arabic by Suleman Taufiq.

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Ramy Al-Asheq and Widad Nabi during the Leipzig Book Fair 2019

The author of "Gedächtnishunde" will be active during the Leipzig Book Fair. On March 21, 2019, Asheq will be part of the poetry night at "Noch Besser Leben" (Merseburger Str. 25), which starts at 9 p.m. Two days later, on March 23, he will lead a panel discussion with the author Widad Nabi as part of the project "Next Writing" at the book fair and address the question of how authors from crisis areas can write in Germany and on the German book market are perceived and how they are perceived

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Nahid Keshavarz war in Köln

On March 7th, a reading with Nahid Keshavarz and her book "Refugee Café" took place in the Allerweltshaus (Cologne). There was reading in Farsi and in German. The audience was then involved in the organization of the evening through an open discussion. Here are some excerpts from the event: Flüchtlingscafé was published in German in 2018 by Sujet Verlag.

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