Freydoun Farokhzad


Freydoun Farokhzad was born in Tehran in 1936 and murdered in Bonn on August 3, 1992. He studied political science in Munich and published poems in German newspapers and magazines. Martin Walser presented him in the anthology Vorzeichen 2 - Nine new German authors with eleven poems. He gained great popularity and popularity as a showmaster, singer, actor and poet both in Iran and in Germany.

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This bilingual version of Farokhzad's only German volume of poetry is being published by Sujet Verlag in its fourth edition.
As Johannes Bobrowski writes in his 1963 epilogue: “I think there is something new in these poems, which should not be obscured by easily identifiable influences […] . That, too, benefits these poems: the melancholy of one who avowedly lives in two countries and between these two countries on a sweeping arc whose span betrays itself in a trembling underfoot.”

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