Maya Abu Al-Hayyat


Maya Abu Al-Hayyat was born in Beirut in 1980 to Palestinian parents. Today she lives with her family in Jerusalem. She writes novels, short stories and children's books for various newspapers, collaborates on various film projects and has also published two volumes of poetry.

Abu Al-Hayyat wants to use her poetry to go against strict moral standards and tear down the walls of the Arabic language. In her works, contrary to tradition, she deals with war, sexuality and alienation, and all of this in a razor-sharp language. Her lyrics are courageous, full of imagery and everyday philosophy. She talks about her thoughts and feelings, about her body, but also about uncomfortable truths about Palestinian society.

Last Released

time and memory

Maya Abu Al-Hayyat's poems are full of imagery that connect everyday philosophical questions, global problems and personal sensitivities. She tries to express uncomfortable truths through linguistic high spirits and sometimes biting sharpness.
Abu Al-Hayyat belongs to a young generation of Palestinian poets trying to overcome the walls of the Arabic language and its corresponding thought structures. In her works, she primarily deals with individual feelings about sexuality, war, loneliness and alienation.

Translated from the Arabic by Suleman Taufiq

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