Eberhard Pfleiderer: Data Flicker

Lyrical texts on the surveillance state: In data flicker setzt sich Eberhard Pfleiderer mit den Themen Internet und persönliche Datenfreigabe in kritischen, ironischen, widersprüchlichen, aber auch humorvollen und provokativen Texten auseinander. "Im digitalen Zeitalter sind wir schon längst zu gläsernen Menschen geworden und sind nun dabei, uns daran zu gewöhnen", so der Autor. Doch die neuen Medien sind im digitalen Zeitalter kaum mehr weg zu denken. data flicker is his second volume of political poetry. The approximately 50 texts are illustrated by the author's own modern pictures.


The author


lyric | 1st edition 2012 | soft cover | 112 pages


Eberhard Pfleiderer: Data Flicker

ISBN 978-3-933995-86-5 Genres ,


Lyrical texts on the surveillance state: In data flicker Eberhard Pfleiderer deals with the topics of the Internet and personal data release in critical, ironic, contradictory, but also humorous and provocative texts. "In the digital age we have long since become transparent people and are now in the process of getting used to it," says the author. But the new media have become indispensable in the digital age. data flicker is his second volume of political poetry. The approximately 50 texts are illustrated by the author's own modern pictures.

Additional information

Weight 152 g
Dimensions 120 × 190 mm


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