Maryam Djahani: Unstopped by Kermanshah (audio book)

by Maryam Djahani
translated from Persian by Isabel Stümpel

Shohre, in her early thirties, divorced, works as a taxi driver in Kermanshah
- her dream job. She lives an independent life. She has taken in a cousin in her rented apartment, who is also divorced and has been mentally ill since their daughter was given to her ex-husband. While Shohre characterizes her surroundings and various passengers with alert senses and a loose mouth and knows how to defend herself against disrespectful colleagues or passengers, the longing for a like-minded partner always arises in her. Not an easy one to fulfill in a city of two million that is outwardly characterized by a modern urban lifestyle, but in which conservative, rural traditions are still alive at the same time.

Maryam Djahani succeeds in creating a work through her courageous protagonist
Self-determination, tradition and its breaks and to write the path of one
of a self-confident woman and bring it closer to the reader. In one
In her colorful and fast-paced narrative style, she takes him on journeys through Kermanshah and into the lives of its residents.


read by: Petra-Janina Schultz

1st edition 2021 | 281 minutes
CD 20,00 € | Digital 12,80 €
ISBN: 978–3‑96202–402‑4


Here for the book


Maryam Djahani: Unstopped by Kermanshah (audio book)



If you are looking for an Iranian novel with an extraordinary character, Maryam Djahani's novel is the best choice!

- IBNA Presse, Hamed Hosseini-Panah


Shohre, in her early thirties, divorced, works as a taxi driver in Kermanshah
– her dream job. She lives an independent life. She has taken in a cousin in her rented apartment, who is also divorced and has been mentally ill since their daughter was given to her ex-husband. While Shohre characterizes her surroundings and various passengers with alert senses and a loose mouth and knows how to defend herself against disrespectful colleagues or passengers, the longing for a like-minded partner always arises in her. Not an easy one to fulfill in a city of two million that is outwardly characterized by a modern urban lifestyle, but in which conservative, rural traditions are still alive at the same time.

Maryam Djahani succeeds in creating a work through her courageous protagonist
Self-determination, tradition and its breaks and to write the path of one
of a self-confident woman and bring it closer to the reader. In one
In her colorful and fast-paced narrative style, she takes him on journeys through Kermanshah and into the lives of its residents.


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