Vahe Armen: Under a Jasmine Bush

Die Gedichte des iranischen Lyrikers Vahe Armen sind ungemein stark. In seinen Bildern verschmelzen das sinnlich Erfasste und das Gedankliche miteinander und regen den Leser zum Nachdenken an. Seine Sprache ist schlicht, aber tief. In einem Interview sagt er dazu: "Aus Erfahrung habe ich gelernt, dass die schwierigste Methode, Gedichte zu schreiben, diejenige ist, mit deren Hilfe das Gedicht äußerlich eine schlichte Struktur aufweist, aber inhaltlich komplizierte Gedankenzusammenhänge beherbergt."

Translated from the Persian by Hossein Mansouri.

Vahe Armen

Hossein Mansouri


Poetry | 2nd edition 2024 | Softcover | 106 pages


Vahe Armen: Under a Jasmine Bush

ISBN 978-3-944201-08-5 Genres , ,


The poems of the Iranian poet Vahe Armen are immensely powerful. In his pictures, the sensually captured and the intellectual merge and stimulate the reader to think. His language is simple but deep. In an interview he says: "I have learned from experience that the most difficult way to write poetry is to make the poem appear simple on the outside, but contain complex complexities of thought in its content." Vahe Armen's poetry is in search of a poetic interpretation of the world. It begins with a philosophical reference to the opposing forces that shape and set everything in motion, and ends with a lament for the ephemeral nature of all that is. Drowsy I woke up after midnight in the alley under a jasmine bush the whole world was fast asleep in my room god and devil were talking the voice of one was like the trickling of rain on the ground the voice of the other was like the rushing down of a handful of earth a fountain

Additional information

Weight 128 g
Dimensions 140 × 190 mm


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