»There is a poem on the edge of language” – an evening for Axel Kutsch with our authors: Gerrit Wustmann and Amir Shaheen

Literature House Cologne Great Greek Market 39, Cologne

The poet and editor Axel Kutsch helped shape German poetry for almost fifty years. From early political poetry to language experiments in the 1990s and humorous metal poetry to his formative role as editor of almost fifty anthologies: without Axel Kutsch, the local poetry scene would be different. After his serious illness in February 2023, his daughter Katja Kutsch and the writer Gerrit Wustmann compiled his entire poetic work. At the Literaturhaus Cologne they present it together with publisher Ralf Liebe and Amir…

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Lesung Pedro Kadivar

Bookseller's cellar Carmerstraße 1, Charlottenburg

Der Startschuss für unser diesjähriges Lesungs-Programm fällt am ersten Februar, im Buchhändlerkeller, Berlin-Charlottenburg: Pedro Kadivar liest aus seinem Buch "Unendlich ist die Nacht", einer tiefgründigen Geschichte über die komplexe Beziehung zweier Flüchtlinge. Es moderiert Gernot Krämer.