Exhibition opening: Akbar Keshvari – Art of Protest – Resistance in Color

Sujet Verlag Bornstraße 18, Bremen, Bremen

12 selected images by the Iranian artist for this exhibition speak about different topics, such as violence against women, the power of religion, torture, conflict or coming together between West and East, realism or Islamism and the face of freedom. Most of the surrealist images in this exhibition are in large formats and worked on oil and acrylic. Keshvari has been living in Germany since 1991 as a politically persecuted artist and has dealt with the themes of freedom, independence and identity in his works from the beginning. His paintings are…

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Author reading: Gerrit Wustmann reads from “Nothing about it is funny”

Tee de Cologne Landmannstraße 30, Cologne (Neuehrenfeld)

A widower receives a visit from his dead previous tenant. A hypochondriac finds a cure for eternal health - but there's a nasty catch. A little girl has a new imaginary friend... with murderous intentions. An official wants to check whether a person exists - and has forms with fatal consequences in his luggage. A man hears a mysterious knocking sound over and over again, slowly driving him crazy. And a homicide detective gets lost in the middle of a terribly bad crime script. In the…

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Cultural breakfast in March:

Melanchton Academy - House of the Protestant Church Kartäusergasse 9, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia

Lesung und Gespräch: "Ich bin kein Ausländer, ich heiße nur so" Moderation: Margit Hähner Wenn ein deutscher Muttersprachler einen arabischen Namen trägt, dann wirft das im Alltag berechtigte Fragen auf. Wenn jemand wie Amir Shaheen dann auch noch Schriftsteller ist und Bücher veröffentlicht, na, dann liegt es doch nahe, wissen zu wollen, ob seine Texte übersetzt werden – ins Deutsche!

Admission free

Art, reading, champagne and seltzer

Producers Gallery Tunnelblick in the Bischofsnadel passage - between Domshof and Wallanlagen, Bremen

"Himmel... ist das Kunst? Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung "Sekt und Selters" liest Angelika Sinn um 18 Uhr aus ihrem Kirgisischen Reisejournal Zwischen Himmel und Tündük (Sujet Verlag 2021) Das Motto der Veranstaltung lautet: Himmel... ist das Kunst? Freitag, den 15. März, 16 - 20 Uhr, lädt die Produzentengalerie Tunnelblick in Bremen ein. Die Galerie befindet sich in der Passage Bischofsnadel - zwischen Domshof und Wallanlagen. Über das Buch: Die Begegnung mit einem wundersamen Land – Kirgistan: Eine Einladung zu einem Symposion für

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Admission free

Meet the Author: Halim Youssef at the Leipzig Book Fair

Leipzig Book Fair Messe-Allee 1, Leipzig, Saxony

Am 24. März 2024 ist Halim Youseff bei dem Projekt "Meet the Author" auf der Leipziger Buchmesse dabei. Ihr könnt ihn von 10:30 Uhr - 11:15 Uhr in Halle 5, Stand: B504 treffen.

Reading: Gerrit Wustmann reads from “Nothing about it is funny”

Sujet Verlag Bornstraße 18, Bremen, Bremen

A widower receives a visit from his dead previous tenant. A hypochondriac finds a cure for eternal health - but there's a nasty catch. A little girl has a new imaginary friend... with murderous intentions. An official wants to check whether a person exists - and has forms with fatal consequences in his luggage. A man hears a mysterious knocking sound over and over again, slowly driving him crazy. And a homicide detective gets lost in the middle of a terribly bad crime script. In…

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Reading: Salem Khalfani reads from “Flying Cats”

Sujet Verlag Bornstraße 18, Bremen, Bremen

The author Salem Khalfani reads from his novel “Flying Cats”. In this he reports on a six-story building in a German city. The characters are closely intertwined despite their coincidental connections. Ms. Habel cannot detach herself from the memory of her lost cat. She has been looking for her continuously for many years and accuses Josef Bahden of hiding her cat.

Salem Khalfani reads from “Flying Cats”

Onevision Assosiacion Hamburg Mönckebergstrasse 2-4, Hamburg, Hamburg

In “Flying Cats” Salem Khalfani reports on a six-story building in a German city. The characters are closely intertwined despite their coincidental connections. A missing cat takes center stage. Salem Khalfani was born in Iran in 1963 and has lived in Germany since 1985. After studying literature at the University of Mainz, he published a study in 2003 on the “similarities of the absurd” in European literature. He also published numerous literary articles, reviews and short stories in Iranian.

Halim Youssef reads from “99 Scattered Pearls”

ART LAB / art space; Laubenweg 8, Essen

Am 13.04.2024 liest Halim Youssef in Essen aus seinem Roman "99 zerstreute Perlen". Der Roman erzählt von Azado und wie dieser verschiedene Stationen seines Lebens erlebt und durchlebt. Geschickt wird so die Vergangenheit mit der Gegenwart verknüpft. Symbolisch wird dies verdeutlicht durch Azados Gebetskette, die aus 99 Perlen besteht und die ihn sein ganzes Leben begleitet.

Halim Youssef reads from “99 Scattered Pearls”

Aachener Straße 1, Düsseldorf

The murder of Azado, who comes from Syria and lives as a translator in Germany, forms the ending of the novel. He translates for refugees from his homeland and is thus confronted with a wide variety of fates that remind him of his own. He confides in his diary Azado's difficult childhood, his longing for his mother, who died giving birth to him, his first, unfulfilled love, and the fears and problems of refugees. Azado is trying to find his way in his new home, but his job as a translator is getting in the way…

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