
The collection Here is Iran! presents Persian poetry in German-speaking countries a diverse view of the work of Iranian…


In this novel, Amir Hassan Cheheltan tells a story about the life of Keramat. He's handsome, brave and brutal.…


The collection Here is Iran! presents Persian poetry in German-speaking countries a diverse view of the work of Iranian…


The Tehran novel, The Revolution Street, is a narrative of the events of the beginning of the revolution in Iran, and it is a mirror of the events of that period…


As in her novels, the central themes of the short story collection To the Rain by LiBeratur prize awardee Faribā Vafī are intimate everyday experiences…


In retrospect, the protagonist reports how he found his first love in the teacher Leili as a fourth-grade student. although…


In her work, Farrochsād goes against both literary and social conventions, thereby breaking all taboos. She holds the…


Er gilt als "eine der kraftvollsten und phantasievollsten dichterischen Stimmen des postkolonialen frankophonen Maghreb" (Pierre Joris). Gleichsam visionär greift Habib Tengour in


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The collection Here is Iran! presents Persian poetry in German-speaking countries a diverse view of the work of Iranian…


It is not enough to live. You need a destiny … Albert Camus – The man in revolt Heddy, a woman living alone…
