Dear friends!

Sujet Verlag needs your support!


As you may know, it is becoming increasingly difficult economically to make books. While the entire process of book production has become many times more expensive in recent years,

Book sales continue to decline.


At small, independent publishers like ours,

 It's never been about making big profits - that's not even possible with such a specialized program. Our aim is to produce good literature, especially translations from Persian, Arabic, Turkish, as well as poetry and exile literature, which have no chance in major publishers. For almost 30 years, Sujet has ensured, like no other publisher, that – to name just one example – modern Iranian literature is represented on the German book market.


But without your help it won't last much longer. If we as a small publisher want to continue publishing books - and we do! - then it is not enough if the books barely make their money. Because then there will be nothing left to invest in new projects and translations.

You are well aware of our program, take a look at our homepage


But without your help we cannot continue our book projects.



What can you do about it?


First: Browse through our extensive Buchshop and place an order for yourself or your friends.


Just as good: Order our books from bookstores.


An important note:

Online booksellers often quote very long delivery times of 6 weeks or more for our books. That's not true! If a bookseller cannot deliver our books, just go directly to our website.


Share this post, tell your friends about it, recommend your favorite book to them.


Support us with a donation!

 -2. fundraiser-


You can donate to
Example on our account

Sparkasse Bremen

IBAN DE70 2905 0101 0083 9984 50


or Paypal


Everyone who arrives by Monday 02. September at 10 a.m. CET  Donate and / or like and share the post on our social media account, you have the chance
Surprise book package
with books from our current one
Win the subject program.

Employees of Sujet Verlag are not allowed to participate.
Legal recourse is excluded.


The winners will be announced within 24 hours
End of the raffle will be notified via email or social media.



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