Doğan Akhanlı reads from "Madonna's Last Dream" in the community library Steinhagen

Steinhagen Community Library Kirchplatz 26a, Steinhagen

Am 08.10. wird in Steinhagen eine Lesung mit Doğan Akhanlı zu seinem Buch "Madonnas letzter Traum" stattfinden. Der Eintritt kostet 8€, ermäßigt sogar nur 4€. Alle weiteren Informationen könnt ihr hier finden. In seinem Roman nimmt einen der Autor mit zurück in die Welt seiner Kindheit, in die Liebesgeschichte von Sabahattin Ali, in die ernsthafte Recherche zu den historischen Geschehnissen des Holocausts, und in anarchistische Gespräche unter Freunden. Historisches vermischt sich mit Autobiographischem und Fiktionalem, und ergibt so einen Strudel aus Erinnerungen und Geschehnissen,

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Autorengespräch mit Doğan Akhanlı und Özlem Özgül Dündar im Ost-Passage-Theater Leipzig

Where? East Passage Theater e.V., Konradstr. 27, 04315 Leipzig Admission free! Together with the author Doğan Akhanlı and the Leipzig author Özlem Özgül Dündar, we want to talk about commonalities in literary work and fictional discussions with and remembering experiences and continuities of violence from a transcultural perspective, based on the different works of the authors. The two authors will read selected texts from their works. Afterwards there will be room for exchange and discussion in an open round of talks.

Reading "I'm not a foreigner, that's just my name" by Amir Shaheen in Cologne Mülheim

Et Kapellche, Holsteinstr. 1, Cologne-Mülheim

Der Mülheimer Literaturclub veranstaltet einen Abend zu dem Thema "Von hier sein" zu dem auch Amir Shaheen mit seinem neuen Buch eingeladen ist. Alle Infos zur Veranstaltung finden sich unter diesem Link: Wenn ein deutscher Muttersprachler einen arabischen Namen trägt, dann wirft das im Alltag berechtigte Fragen auf. Wenn jemand wie Amir Shaheen dann auch noch Schriftsteller ist und Bücher veröffentlicht, na, dann liegt es doch nahe, wissen zu wollen, ob seine Texte übersetzt werden – ins Deutsche! Amir Shaheen schildert pointiert

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A reading from "Madonna's Last Dream" at the Theater an der Ruhr

Where? Theater an der Ruhr, Akazienallee 61 45478 Mülheim an der Ruhr An obsessive love, a tragic end, a desperate search for clues, set in Germany, Poland, Turkey during the Nazi era, but also decades later: Doğan Akhanlı, awarded the Goethe Medal 2019, tells a fast-paced refugee story in "Madonna's Last Dream".

Nassir Djafari reads from "One week, one life" - as part of "Literature in Hessen: Debuts, #second spring and award-winning literature"

house at the cathedral Domplatz 3, Frankfurt am Main

Course of events: Part: Safiye Can and Dalibor Marković make the poetic prelude. Nassir Djafari ("One Week, One Life") and Katharina Hartwell ("The Silver Sea Saga - The King of Crows") will then present their spring titles under the motto #second spring. Part: Michael Wagener, publisher of Gutleut Verlag (Special Prize Hessian Publishing Prize 2020), talks about the importance of poetry and how to make good books. Finally, Robert Gernhardt reads award winner Nina Bussmann from her novel "Dickicht" about dependencies and friendships, while Leonhard Hieronymi reads "In informal company".…

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Book premiere Stolpersteine ​​Volume VI Neustadt

Theater am Leibnizplatz

As part of the STOLPERSTEINE BREMEN project, a series of publications will appear containing the biographies of those victims for whom Stolpersteine ​​were laid in Bremen. This ART, MEMORY and RESEARCH PROJECT has been in Bremen since 2004. To date, more than 700 memorial stones have been embedded in Bremen's sidewalks, commemorating the victims of the Nazis who were murdered in front of their places of residence and work. Five volumes have already appeared in the seven-volume publication series. After the volumes Region Nord, Mitte, Ostertor/Oestliche Vorstadt, Schwachhausen/Horn-Lehe and Findorff/Walle/Gröpelingen, the Neustadt volume is now appearing. on the 21st…

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"Madonnas last dream” – reading with Doğan Akhanlı as part of the STRAZE opening

Where? Stralsunder Str. 10/11, 17489 Greifswald In Madonna's last dream, Doğan Akhanlı takes up the novella Madonna in a fur coat by the Turkish poet Sabahattin Ali and rewrites it. Akhanlı makes Ali himself a character in a novel. On his way into exile in 1948 he was killed by members of the Turkish secret service. Immediately before his death, he confesses that Maria Puder actually died differently than in his novella. Madonna's last dream is trying to tell the true story of the life and death of Maria Puder in the…

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Doğan Akhanlı "Madonna's Last Dream" in Duisburg

Duisburg Central Library Steinsche Gasse 26, 47051 Duisburg

Am 26.10. liest der Autor Doğan Akhanlı in der Zentralbibliothek Duisburg aus seinem Werk "Madonnas letzter Traum". Wenn ihr Interesse habt, an der Lesung teilzunehmen, dann findet ihr hier mehr Informationen. Eintritt: 6€ / VVK 5€

"Arrest in Granada” by Doğan Akhanlı – a scenic reading

Where? Schauspiel Köln, Schanzenstraße 6-20, 51063 Cologne In the summer of 2017, Turkey announced the arrest of the Cologne-based writer Doğan Akhanlı via Interpol. The director Nuran David Calis takes on Akhanlı's life story, which in personal and harrowing reports not only reports on the fateful arrest, but also on previous imprisonments, some of which lasted for many years.