Ulrike Marie Hille: While Dreaming, the Animals stand still

Ulrike Marie Hille takes her readership with her on her travels. With a view of the world, the lyrical I travels through "poetic landscapes" until it is transformed and redefined in the magic of longing and hope. Inspired by other poets, Ulrike Marie Hille repeatedly enters into a dialogue with them and their readership - many are invited to her "House of Language". The "animal in dreams" also gains access, a metaphor for the enigmatic, at times strangely incomprehensible, of poetic language, which creates mysterious and at the same time powerful poetic images through its eloquence and mysterious silence.

Ulrike Marie Hille


lyric | 1st edition 2021 | soft cover | 96 pages


Ulrike Marie Hille: While Dreaming, the Animals stand still

ISBN 978-3-96202-096-5 Genre Tags ,


Reading sample:


Paris Paris
the old world
still stands very still
dreamy and vicious

at the Gare du Nord entrance
stand two soldiers
heavily armed
there is a strong wind coming from the east

my dream animal sank
in smoke and fog
in the drape
the mother city

Paris Paris
hit and wounded beautiful
white doves are sitting
on the roofs

Additional information

Weight 150 g
Dimensions 140 × 190 mm


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