"Night Birds” – New review by Gerrit Wustmann

"That a Rolling Stones song [Gimme Shelter] is the climax of the novel and the binding element not only between the protagonists but also between them and their quest for shelter is more than a tongue-in-cheek nod to the universal language of music.” A slightly different review by Gerrit Wustmann can be found in the June issue of Rocks magazine. There Wustmann analyzes the strong topicality of the novel set in 1992 and deals with the solidarity among refugees and helpers, who also through

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"Some topics only in German” – a report on Mahmood Falaki's reading by Matthias Holthaus

On June 11, Matthias Holthaus reported in the Weser Kurier about Mahmood Falaki's book premiere, which took place on June 6 at the Villa Ichon in Bremen. An exciting recap of the reading, which allows everyone who could not be there to get an impression of the event. You can find the entire article here. Source: Matthias Holthaus, Weser-Kurier/ Bremer Nachrichten, June 11, 2017

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"Deadly Strangers” – New review by Wolfgang Schlott!

"A novel, then, that not only has an important bridging function between Western Europe and the Middle East, but is also exciting reading for all those who enjoy the deadly stranger, enjoy the lively dialogues and the hilarious descriptions of the everyday world of those abroad Have arrived,” says Wolfgang Schlott, who reviews Mahmood Falaki's new novel in his review at tabularasa. You can find the full review here.

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"Madame LaFrance” – review by Birgit Agada

"An outstanding document, definitely worth reading.” Birgit Agada reviewed the novel "Madame LaFrance" by Maisa Bey with great emotion and enthusiasm. You can find her full opinion on the novel, which tells the story of Algeria during the French colonial rule in a poetic way, here: http://afarab.blogspot.de/2018/05/rezension-madame-lafrance.html

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Deadly Strangers – Review by Gerrit Wustmann

""Deadly Strangers" thus becomes the ambiguous title of a highly contemporary novel that addresses the problems that are being debated everywhere from the perspective of those affected." This is how Gerrit Wustmann feels about Mahmood Falaki's new novel, which he reviews at FixPoetry. You can read the whole review of the exciting (and occasionally strange) novel here: https://www.fixpoetry.com/feuilleton/kritik/mahmood-falaki/toedliche-fremde

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Börsenblatt newspaper interview with Madjid Mohit

The Börsenblatt, a popular trade journal for the German book trade, recently conducted an interesting interview with subject publisher Madjid Mohit. This conversation deals with the challenges for authors in exile and beyond that with the importance of aerial root literature, which brings the positive sides of migration, especially cultural enrichment, into focus. The interview also discusses the growing importance of migrant literature in the German-language literary scene, from which Sujet Verlag also benefits. From the point of view that Mohit experienced migration first hand,

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Art of Words' – Interview in Z‑Magazine

An interview with the poets Inge Buck and Gianna Lange and with Madjid Mohit has been published in Z-Magazin, the magazine for Bremen's urban culture, under the title "Art of Words". The article revolves around the topic of poetry. The interviewees discuss the value of poetry as a print medium vs. digital medium, explain the advantages and disadvantages of poetry compared to prose, explain the differences between Persian and German poetry and, above all, discuss how the Bremen poetry scene is structured and what opportunities for support and exchange are available

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Your spark sits in the shadow' – Contribution by Gerrit Wustmann to 'Jene Tage'

In Signaturen-Magazine, the Internet forum for autonomous poetry, Gerrit Wustmann has published a nice review of our special edition of 'Jene Tage'. It was published by Sujet Verlag in October 2017 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of the Iranian poetic legend Forugh Farrochsād. You can find the whole article here: http://www.signaturen-magazin.de/forugh-farrochs‑d–jene-tage—sonder issue.html

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Inge Buck among the 10 best-known writers from Bremen

On June 4th, 2017, the Weserkurier published a list of the 10 best-known writers from Bremen. In addition to Julia Engelmann, who became known for her poetry slam hit "One Day, Baby", and David Safier, author of several well-known books such as Bad Karma and Jesus Loves Me, the top 10 also includes Inge Buck, who has already published several works with Sujet Verlag. We are very happy about this appreciation of our author! Here is the text about Inge Buck: Since the 1970s in Bremen,

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Interview with Abdelkader Djemaï - "The Last Night of the Emir"

In this interview we chat with Abdelkader Djemai about his novel The Emir's Last Night, the meaning of the work and the lessons we as readers can learn from reading it. Subject: What inspired you to write the book The Emir's Last Night? Djemaï: For a long time I have wanted to write a book woven from fiction and history about this great founder of the first Algerian state. It was, if only subliminally, in some of my publications – such as

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The Sujet Verlag was honored with the Hermann Kesten Prize

Sujet Verlag is delighted that its founder Madjid Mohit has been honored with the renowned Hermann-Kesten Prize for his "continuous and impressive work for authors who do not live in their home country". We are delighted with the numerous positive responses from supporters of the publishing house and are now turning our attention to an exciting new chapter in aerial root literature.

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