Jabbar Abdullah: Raqqa on the Rhine (Audiobook)

by Jabbar Abdullah
Partial translation from Arabic of Christine Battermann and Sonja Oelgart

In his book „Raqqa am Rhein“ Jabbar Abdullah, who fled from Syria via the Balkan route to Germany four years ago, gives an insight into the social system in which he grew up: he reports on the times under the Assad regime, the beginning of the revolution, the rule of the IS and its escape to Germany.
At the center of the story are the memories of Raqqa, of childhood, of everyday life. Later, Abdullah reports on life as a student in Aleppo and the first demonstrations that the revolution brought with it, as well as their suppression. Using eyewitness reports, he also describes the perfidious and brutal work of the secret services and reports on bribery and betrayal, arrests and torture, harassment and humiliation. He also talks about life under the reign of terror of IS and the current situation in Raqqa.
The author reports up close about his journey, which ultimately led him to a German city on the Rhine.


read by: Thomas Roth
1st edition 2021 | 300 minutes
CD 20,00 € | Digital 12,80 €
ISBN: 978–3‑96202–403‑1


Here for the book


Jabbar Abdullah: Raqqa on the Rhine (Audiobook)



Jabbar Abdullah's report ends with a glimmer of hope that is tender (Euphrates and Rhine merge) and at the same time deeply political, because his salvation is the result of a civilizational achievement (asylum laws, refugee conventions, welcoming culture) that is attacked and demonized by xenophobic parts of our society.

From the foreword by Ilija Trojanow


In “Raqqa am Rhein” Abdullah looks lovingly and ironically at the country that has now naturalized him - and still occasionally considers him a terrorist.

-Sabine Kleyboldt, CNA

In his book „Raqqa am Rhein“ Jabbar Abdullah, who fled from Syria via the Balkan route to Germany four years ago, gives an insight into the social system in which he grew up: he reports on the times under the Assad regime, the beginning of the revolution, the rule of IS and its escape to Germany.
At the center of the story are the memories of Raqqa, of childhood, of everyday life. Later, Abdullah reports on life as a student in Aleppo and the first demonstrations that the revolution brought with it, as well as their suppression. Using eyewitness reports, he also describes the perfidious and brutal work of the secret services and reports on bribery and betrayal, arrests and torture, harassment and humiliation. He also talks about life under the reign of terror of IS and the current situation in Raqqa.
The author reports up close about his journey, which ultimately led him to a German city on the Rhine.



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