Pedro Kadivar: Little Book of Migrations (Audiobook)

by Pedro Kadivar
translated from French by Gernot Kramer

In his literary essay, Pedro Kadivar deals with the topic of internal and external migration. The structuring element is the author's biography: Born in Iran, Kadivar emigrated first to Paris and later to Berlin. Radical in his form of integration, he later gave up his mother tongue entirely and thus suppressed his own origins. In addition to personal insights into the life of a migrant, the essay offers reflections on the meaning of migration in art and refers to important figures in the history of art and literature such as Dürer, Giorgione, Proust, Beckett and Hedayat.


read by: Thomas Roth
1st edition 2021 | 257 minutes
CD 20,00 € | Digital 12,80 €
ISBN: 978–3‑96202–404‑8


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Pedro Kadivar: Little Book of Migrations (Audiobook)



In his literary essay, Pedro Kadivar deals with the topic of internal and external migration. The structuring element is the author's biography: Born in Iran, Kadivar emigrated first to Paris and later to Berlin. Radical in his form of integration, he later gave up his mother tongue entirely and thus suppressed his own origins. In addition to personal insights into the life of a migrant, the essay offers reflections on the meaning of migration in art and refers to important figures in the history of art and literature such as Dürer, Giorgione, Proust, Beckett and Hedayat.


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