Theater premiere: Madonna's last dream - Theater im Bauturm

Theater in the tower Aachener Strasse 24-26, Cologne

The Cologne writer Doğan Akhanlı recently became known to a wider audience through his arrest in Granada, the report of his arrest ordered by the Erdogan regime while on vacation in Spain and the subsequent release thanks to mediation by the EU. His epic Madonnas last dream, published in 2006, is a fascinatingly multi-layered text that describes the darkest chapter of German history from an unusual perspective: Akhanlı gives an insight into the character of the Turkish writer Sabahattin Ali and his relationship to the Jewish diseuse Maria Puder…

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At home in the word – Long Night of Poetry with Sarah Kiyanrad

We are looking forward to the event At Home in the Word - Long Night of Poetry on September 17th, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. in the Brunnenhof in the Arsenal in Augsburg. In the beginning was the song. At the beginning of poetry in ancient Greece, the lyrical performance was accompanied by a kithara or lyre. The poem was song - the song was poem. After the silence in the pandemic, text and music should have their say again. Five Augsburg authors, Carmen Jaud, Sarah Kiyanrad, Knut Schaflinger, Max Sessner, Siegried Völlger…

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2nd Cologne Literature Night - freedom and possibilities of writing

Michael Horbach Foundation Wormser Strasse 23, Cologne

Events at 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. As part of the series of events at the 2nd Cologne Literature Night, Simone Scharbert and our authors Jabbar Abdullah and Suleman Taufiq will present their latest books. They deal with the question of freedom and the possibilities of writing. Immediately experienced (un-)freedom is the theme of Jabbar Abdullah. In his debut "Raqqa am Rhein" he processes his experiences in Syria under the authoritarian regime and during the war as well as his arrival in Cologne. "I don't live in two worlds, I am two…

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Martin Bührig: The Other

Bookstore Franz Leuwer Am Wall 171, Bremen, Bremen

We look forward to the book premiere of Der Andere by author Martin Bührig on September 22nd at the Franz Leuwer bookstore in Bremen at 7:00 p.m. Martin Bührig's poems belong neither to daily political poetry nor to political poetry in general. They stand in the centuries-old tradition of poetry of private concern, which is inherent in all people who live in their respective situations and times. The poems are addressed to a you. They are love poems. And the diversity of love is reflected…

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Book presentation with Nasim Khaksar "Between Two Doors"

My house, your house and our house: the Persian library in the main library We are looking forward to the event Dem Wort die Freiheit on September 24th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the main library on the Gurtel in Vienna. Nasim Khaksar, born in Abadan/Iran, is an Iranian-Dutch writer. He will present his newly published book Between Two Doors. Fahime Farsaie, born in Tehran/Iran, is an Iranian-German author, journalist and human rights activist. She will read from her novel One Tuesday, my mother decided to become German (Dittrich Verlag). Both…

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Lesung mit Pedro Kadivar

We look forward to the event Art of Escape with Pedro Kadivar on September 25th, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. in the Theater Erfurt. The event is a cooperation between the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Theater Erfurt and takes place as an introduction to the play The Art of Escape, which will be performed in the Studio Box from October 3rd, 2021. Pedro Kadivar will read from his book The Little Book of Migration and Anna Allstädt (KlangScaffold e.V. Erfurt) will talk to the author and the guests after the book presentation. Further…

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CANCELLED: Audiobook premiere: "The Silence of My Father" by Doan Bui

With a heavy heart we have to cancel the event on September 27th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., as the author Doan Bui is unfortunately unable to attend the audio book premiere. We cordially invite you to the premiere of the first audio book production The Silence of My Father by Doan Bui. The event will take place in cooperation with the Institut Français in Bremen and the Speicherbühne Mobil e.V. on September 27, 2021 at 7 p.m. in the Institut Français in Bremen. The author Doan Bui becomes digital about the event…

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Reading with Amir Shaheen

Atelier and Gallery East Luisenstr. 23, Lörrach in the border triangle

We are looking forward to the event with Amir Shaheen on October 1st, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Ost Gallery in Lörrach. Amir Shaheen will present his new book I'm not a foreigner, my name is just that and read from it. Admission is a voluntary donation, registration required. Further information, including registration, can be found at Galerie Ost. Reserve your PLACE today at:

Reading with Jabbar Abdullah

We look forward to the reading by Jabbar Abdullah on October 2nd, 2021 at 8:15 p.m. in Eschborn. Jabbar Abdullah will read from his work Raqqa am Rhein as part of the intercultural program in Eschborn. About the book From Raqqa on the Euphrates to Cologne on the Rhine – the arduous path from war and repression to freedom The Syrian author Jabbar Abdullah took part in the first demonstrations at his university in Aleppo in 2012 and had to watch the regime of Bashar Al-Assad the Arab Spring…

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Reading: Anthology: This is how you take life with you

We look forward to the reading of the anthology How to take life with you on October 7th, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. in the Villa Sponte. With: Zahirul Islam Babul, Mila Chami, Farhan Hebbo, Saber Latifi, Madjid Mohit, Salman Nurhak, Rosa Jaisli, and Ernesto Salazar-Jiménez On the piano: Milena Minkwitz Afterwards: Discussion with the authors, the editor Angelika Sinn and the Publisher Madjid Mohit Moderation: Jens Laloire Further information on the anthology: The eight authors of the anthology "So you take life with you" come originally…

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