Bremen reads

4. Bremer Literaturnacht Das Bremer Literaturkontor und Wellenschlag Text- und Verlagskontor veranstalten am 03. September 2021 das Bremer Literaturfestival "Bremen liest." Bei diesem Event stellen Bremer Autoren in unterschiedlichen Buchhandlungen in der ganzen Stadt ihre Werke vor. Dieses Jahr werden auch zwei Autoren des Sujet Verlags ihre Bücher präsentieren. Magdaléna Stárková Mein nächstes erstes Wort Um 18:30 Uhr wird Magdaléna Stárková in den Pusdorf Studios, Ladestraße 12-14 aus ihrem neuen Lyrikband Mein nächstes erstes Wort lesen. Die Gedichte von Magdaléna Stárková sind im

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Bremen Book Mile

We are looking forward to being part of the 3rd Bremen Book Mile this year on September 4th, 2021 from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Langenstraße. Organized by the bookstore Storm, we are one of more than 40 independent publishers and publishers from Bremen from the German-speaking area who are presenting themselves together. There are books for big and small readers to discover, authors to hear live and publishers and their programs to experience. The supporting program consists of more than 20 readings on four open-air stages.…

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Book premiere "Between Heaven and Tündük" by Angelika Sinn

Villa Sponte Osterdeich 59B, Bremen

In cooperation with the Villa Sponte, the Bremer Literaturkontor and the Sujet Verlag cordially invite you to the Bremen book premiere of Angelika Sinn's travel journal Zwischen Himmel und Tündük. The matinee will take place on Sunday, September 5, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. at Villa Sponte, Osterdeich 59B. About the book: Angelika Sinn's travel journal is no ordinary report; it is a story about an encounter with a wondrous country – Kyrgyzstan: the author introduces an invitation to a symposium for artists and writers…

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Book premiere "I'm not a foreigner, my name is just that" by Amir Shaheen

Bookstore Franz Leuwer Am Wall 171, Bremen, Bremen

We look forward to the Bremen live premiere of the volume I'm not a foreigner, my name is just that by Amir Shaheen on September 9th at the Franz Leuwer bookstore at 7:00 p.m. Entry is free. About the book: When a German native speaker has an Arabic name, it raises legitimate questions in everyday life. If someone like Amir Shaheen is also a writer and publishes books, well, then it makes sense to want to know whether his texts will be translated – into…

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Mortar with Widad Nabi

On September 12, 2021, author Widad Nabi will be reading as part of the Poets Corner Treptow-Köpenick program between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Berlin. As part of this event, more than 40 poets and musicians will perform across the Berlin districts. The readings take place in German and in the respective original language with translation. The event will be moderated by Vera Kurlenian and accompanied by Dietrich Petzold and Hakan Tuğrul. The message is very clear: there is room for poetry everywhere - whether in libraries or gardens…

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Online reading: "World Literature" by Gerrit Wustmann

Wir laden herzlich zur Online-Lesung von Gerrit Wustmanns Weltliteratur ein. Am 15. September 2021 um 19:30 Uhr liest Gerrit Wustmann über Zoom aus seinem Buch, Weltliteratur - Warum wir ein neues Literaturverständnis brauchen. Maryam Aras moderiert die vom Sujet Verlag veranstaltete Lesung. Hier ist der Einladungslink zur Zoom-Veranstaltung: Weltliteratur "Wo Weltliteratur draufsteht, ist Westliteratur drin.“ Egal ob es um Rezensionen im Feuilleton geht, um Uni-Seminare, um Bestenlisten der 'wichtigsten' Werke oder um die Lektüren im Schulunterricht: Das literarische Schaffen von Autor*innen aus

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Book premiere Gunther Gerlach: Deeper in space the voices

Gröpelingen City Library Lindenhofstr. 53, Bremen

We are looking forward to the book premiere of the new book of poetry by the Bremen author Gunther Gerlach on September 16th in the Gröpelingen Bremen City Library at 7:00 p.m. In his new volume, the Bremen author and artist Gunther Gerlach combines simple, expressive brush drawings with symbolic language rich in metaphors. Together with ...and throws into the sea the silver seeds of the stars and lights that rise from shadows form the voices of the author's 450-page trilogy of poems and prose deeper in space. The book premiere…

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Theater premiere: Madonna's last dream - Theater im Bauturm

Theater in the tower Aachener Strasse 24-26, Cologne

The Cologne writer Doğan Akhanlı recently became known to a wider audience through his arrest in Granada, the report of his arrest ordered by the Erdogan regime while on vacation in Spain and the subsequent release thanks to mediation by the EU. His epic Madonnas last dream, published in 2006, is a fascinatingly multi-layered text that describes the darkest chapter of German history from an unusual perspective: Akhanlı gives an insight into the character of the Turkish writer Sabahattin Ali and his relationship to the Jewish diseuse Maria Puder…

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At home in the word – Long Night of Poetry with Sarah Kiyanrad

We are looking forward to the event At Home in the Word - Long Night of Poetry on September 17th, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. in the Brunnenhof in the Arsenal in Augsburg. In the beginning was the song. At the beginning of poetry in ancient Greece, the lyrical performance was accompanied by a kithara or lyre. The poem was song - the song was poem. After the silence in the pandemic, text and music should have their say again. Five Augsburg authors, Carmen Jaud, Sarah Kiyanrad, Knut Schaflinger, Max Sessner, Siegried Völlger…

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2nd Cologne Literature Night - freedom and possibilities of writing

Michael Horbach Foundation Wormser Strasse 23, Cologne

Events at 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. As part of the series of events at the 2nd Cologne Literature Night, Simone Scharbert and our authors Jabbar Abdullah and Suleman Taufiq will present their latest books. They deal with the question of freedom and the possibilities of writing. Immediately experienced (un-)freedom is the theme of Jabbar Abdullah. In his debut "Raqqa am Rhein" he processes his experiences in Syria under the authoritarian regime and during the war as well as his arrival in Cologne. "I don't live in two worlds, I am two…

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