Book presentation “KZ-Nr. 32730 - Spiros' Odyssey”

Memorial Bunker Valentin Rekumer Siel, Bremen

On March 24, 2022, Kostas Chalemos' book KZ no. 32730 - Spiros' Odyssey presented in the Memorial Bunker Valentin. The event starts at 7:30 p.m. Read by Katharina Guleikoff, commented by Marcus Meyer. The Athenian journalist Kostas Chamelos tells the odyssey of the Greek partisan Spiros Pasaloglou. Just 18 years old, Pasaloglou was arrested during a raid, imprisoned in the Chaidari camp and interrogated at the notorious Gestapo headquarters on Athens' Merlin Street. Spiros witnesses fellow inmates being abused and murdered. Every day he fears…

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Reading "My Father's Silence" with Astrid Müller

On Friday, March 25th, Astrid Müller will be reading from Doan Buis Das Schweigen meines Vaters in the Logbuch bookshop. Start is at 7:30 p.m. Astrid Müller was born in Baden-Württemberg in 1956. After studying German and art, she worked as a teacher for a few years. For many years, the Speicherbühne in Bremen’s Überseestadt was the place where she and her colleagues produced sensual theater for people who were keen to experiment and think. The stage has been “mobile” since 2020, but your themes such as migration, identity, homeland, racism and democracy are moving…

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Reading with Angelika Sinn: "Between Heaven and Tündük"

Mimi's legacy - Worpswede Findorffstrasse 10, Worpswede, Lower Saxony

Am Samstag 26. März 2022 um 18:00 Uhr liest unsere Autorin Angelika Sinn aus ihrem kirgisischen Reisejournal »Zwischen Himmel und Tündük« in "Mimis Erbe" - Raum für Kunst, Findorffstraße 10, Worpswede, während zeitgleich eine Ausstellung der Kirgistan-Zeichnungen von Isabel Pauer stattfindet (Freitag, 25. bis Sonntag, 27. März) . Die Begrüßung und Einführung zu den Bildern wird Peter Klug übernehmen. Eine Einladung zu einem Symposion für Künstler und Literaten führt die Autorin Angelika Sinn in ein Jurtencamp am einsamen Bergsee Issyk Kul. Aber weniger

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Reading with Angelika Sinn "Between Heaven and Tündük"

Galerie Onil Hamburger Strasse 7, Bremen

Angelika Sinn On Thursday, April 7th, at 6 p.m., Angelika Sinn will read from her Kyrgyz travel journal “Between Heaven and Tündük”. This takes place as part of the exhibition by the artist Neeharika Donau Hossain in the Onil gallery. About the book: Angelika Sinn's travel journal is a story about encounters with a wondrous country - Kyrgyzstan. An invitation to a symposium for artists and writers takes the author to a yurt camp on the remote mountain lake Issyk Kul. There, the foreign natural landscape becomes a profound experience. In poetic…

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Book premiere "Gestalt im Schatten"

Botanika Bremen Deliusweg 40, Bremen

​ On April 14, 2022 at 7 p.m. the book premiere of de Assis Brasil’s book Gestalt im Schatten will take place at the botanika Bremen. Entry is from 6:30 p.m. The publisher Madjid Mohit will moderate, Jürgen Meyhöfer will provide background information on the book and Thomas Roth will read from the novel. Gestalt in the Shadow is about the man who accompanied Alexander von Humboldt on his journey to South America. While the latter is generally well known, French physician and botanist Aimé Bonpland became famous…

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Lesung mit Nassir Djafari

The Kulturwerk Frankfurt factory Middle Hasenpfad 5 / Im Hof, Frankfurt/Main, Hesse

On Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 8:00 p.m., Nassir Djafari will speak with the literary critic Ulrich Noller (including WDR) about his novel Eine Woche, ein Leben and read some passages from it at Fabrik Frankfurt. Nassir Djafari, born in Iran in 1952, has lived in Germany since he was five. He studied economics in Frankfurt and has held various positions in German and international development cooperation. Djafari has written numerous specialist articles and book contributions on the economic and political challenges in developing and emerging countries.…

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Reading "I'm not a foreigner, that's just my name"

Altena City Library Marktstrasse 14-16, Altena/ Westphalia

On Friday, April 22nd is Amir Shaheen in the Altena City Library from his novel I'm not a foreigner, my name is just reading. The event begins at 7:30 p.m. and doors open at 7 p.m. There will be a book table from the Katerlöh bookstore. Admission: 10 euros / with a library card or membership card of the Kulturring: 8 euros Tickets are available in the library and bookshop. When a German native speaker has an Arabic name, it raises legitimate questions in everyday life. If someone like Amir…

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Reading "I'm not a foreigner, that's just my name"

Bookstore world of books Venloer Strasse 263, Cologne

On Thursday, May 12th Amir Shaheen will read from his novel I'm not a foreigner, my name is just that, in the bookstore Bücherwelt. The event starts at 8 p.m. When a German native speaker has an Arabic name, it raises legitimate questions in everyday life. If someone like Amir Shaheen is also a writer and publishes books, well, then it makes sense to want to know whether his texts will be translated – into German! Amir Shaheen describes pointedly and wittily what…

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Reading with Eberhard Pfleiderer

Central library in the Hanse Carré Mayor-Smidt-Str. 10, Bremerhaven, Bremen

Am 31. Mai 2022 um 18:00 Uhr wird unser Autor Eberhard Pfleiderer eine Lesung aus seinem Werk ZWANGST in der Stadtbibliothek Bremerhaven halten. Dies wird auch gleichzeitig der Termin der Vernissage der Ausstellung seiner ZWANGST-Bilder sein, welche noch bis zum 30. Juni 2022 zu bestaunen sein wird. "Es ist allerhöchste Zeit, sich der schleichenden Faschisierung unserer Gesellschaft und dem dazu gehörigen Braunen Boden offensiv literarisch und künstlerisch zu stellen. Mit dieser Intention schreibt Eberhard Pfleiderer 2021 den Titel "Zwangst - Beobachtungen zum Beackern des

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[CANCELLED] Reading with Gerrit Wustmann

Wall-Saal central library – access from outside via Am Wall Am Wall 201, Bremen

Am Donnerstag, den 02. Juni 2022 wird Gerrit Wustmann in der Stadtbibliothek Bremen aus seinem Essay "Weltliteratur" lesen. Beginn der Veranstaltung ist um 19 Uhr, der Eintritt ist frei. Es moderiert: Jens Laloire. Gerrit Wustmann, geboren 1982 in Köln, ist freier Schriftsteller und Journalist. Er schreibt u.a. für Qantara (Deutsche Welle) und 54books über Weltliteratur, seine Beiträge erscheinen außerdem bei WDR, taz, Heise online, Der Freitag und weiteren Medien. Er hat bislang zehn Bücher veröffentlicht, darunter eine deutsch-türkische Lyrik-Trilogie über Istanbul, die auch in

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