Reading with Angelika Sinn: 'Between Heaven and Tündük'

Black sea gallery Am Schwarzen Meer 121, Bremen, Bremen

On January 29, 2022 at 6:00 p.m., our author Angelika Sinn will read from her Kyrgyz travel journal Zwischen Himmel und Tündük in the GALLERY on the black sea, while Isabel Pauer's drawings of Kyrgyzstan will be presented at the same time. Tilman Rothermel will welcome and introduce the pictures. Meanwhile, Maren Ernst provides information about the Kyrgyz project Uplift-Aufwind. An invitation to a symposium for artists and writers takes the author Angelika Sinn to a yurt camp on the lonely mountain lake Issyk Kul. But less the exchange among artists…

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Commemoration event and book presentation by Ulrike Gies

On January 31st, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. there will be an online memorial event for our author Ulrike Gies, who died in 2020. At the same time, her book Schnuffelstoff, which was published posthumously, will be read for the first time. Publisher Madjid Mohit, author Inge Buck and director of LitQ Cornelius Kopf-Finke will read texts and give speeches. Ulrike Gies was born in Dortmund in 1953 and studied sociology, journalism and philosophy in Münster. She has been a writer since 1980, initially with prose and later also with poetry. After many…

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Reading with Amir Shaheen in Vienna

Main Library on the Belt Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a, Vienna

On March 4, 2022 at 7:00 p.m., the Vienna Main Library invites you to the reading "Freedom to the Word XXXIV - A bilingual reading in German and Persian: The scent of that river", in which, in addition to Amir Shaheen, four other poets* will give their Present texts in the form of poetry and prose. They come from different cultures and geographies and transport different language images and worlds of thought. In their works, they show a poetic examination of themes such as origin, past, childhood, longing, separation, migration, exile and a wealth of languages. Included…

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Bremen speaks: Opening of the special exhibition

Focke Museum Schwachhauser Heerstrasse 240, Bremen

Am 04. März um 19 Uhr findet die Eröffnung zur Sonderausstellung "Bremen spricht" statt. Moderation Dr. Bora Aksen, Musik Marcia Bittencourt 7.500 verschiedene Sprachen gibt es auf der Welt. In Bremen werden 80 davon gesprochen. Die Ausstellung „Bremen spricht“ zeigt vom 5. März bis 29. Mai welche Sprachen das sind und wo in Bremen sie gesprochen werden – von Arabisch über Plattdeutsch und Gebärdensprache bis Zulu. Anhand verschiedener extra angefertigter Karten entsteht ein aktuelles Sprachporträt Bremens. Neben den Karten gibt es auch Bücher,

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Reading with Fariba Vafi and Amir Hassan Cheheltan

City Library Düren Stefan-Schwer-Strasse 4 - 6, Düren

A reading with Fariba Vafi and Amir Hassan Cheheltan, moderated by Jutta Himmelreich A cooperation between Heinrich-Böll-Haus Langenbroich e.V. and the Düren Kultur public library Registration: boell-haus@dü Admission is free! Faribā Vafī was born in 1962 in Tabriz, the capital of the province of East Azerbaijan in north-west Iran. She currently lives in Tehran and is one of Iran's most popular contemporary authors. Iranian critics place her among the top 10 modern writers in the country. She has been awarded the prestigious Huschang Golschiri Prize and the Yalda Prize, as well as receiving…

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Book presentation “KZ-Nr. 32730 - Spiros' Odyssey”

Memorial Bunker Valentin Rekumer Siel, Bremen

On March 24, 2022, Kostas Chalemos' book KZ no. 32730 - Spiros' Odyssey presented in the Memorial Bunker Valentin. The event starts at 7:30 p.m. Read by Katharina Guleikoff, commented by Marcus Meyer. The Athenian journalist Kostas Chamelos tells the odyssey of the Greek partisan Spiros Pasaloglou. Just 18 years old, Pasaloglou was arrested during a raid, imprisoned in the Chaidari camp and interrogated at the notorious Gestapo headquarters on Athens' Merlin Street. Spiros witnesses fellow inmates being abused and murdered. Every day he fears…

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Reading "My Father's Silence" with Astrid Müller

On Friday, March 25th, Astrid Müller will be reading from Doan Buis Das Schweigen meines Vaters in the Logbuch bookshop. Start is at 7:30 p.m. Astrid Müller was born in Baden-Württemberg in 1956. After studying German and art, she worked as a teacher for a few years. For many years, the Speicherbühne in Bremen’s Überseestadt was the place where she and her colleagues produced sensual theater for people who were keen to experiment and think. The stage has been “mobile” since 2020, but your themes such as migration, identity, homeland, racism and democracy are moving…

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Reading with Angelika Sinn: "Between Heaven and Tündük"

Mimi's legacy - Worpswede Findorffstrasse 10, Worpswede, Lower Saxony

Am Samstag 26. März 2022 um 18:00 Uhr liest unsere Autorin Angelika Sinn aus ihrem kirgisischen Reisejournal »Zwischen Himmel und Tündük« in "Mimis Erbe" - Raum für Kunst, Findorffstraße 10, Worpswede, während zeitgleich eine Ausstellung der Kirgistan-Zeichnungen von Isabel Pauer stattfindet (Freitag, 25. bis Sonntag, 27. März) . Die Begrüßung und Einführung zu den Bildern wird Peter Klug übernehmen. Eine Einladung zu einem Symposion für Künstler und Literaten führt die Autorin Angelika Sinn in ein Jurtencamp am einsamen Bergsee Issyk Kul. Aber weniger

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Reading with Angelika Sinn "Between Heaven and Tündük"

Galerie Onil Hamburger Strasse 7, Bremen

Angelika Sinn On Thursday, April 7th, at 6 p.m., Angelika Sinn will read from her Kyrgyz travel journal “Between Heaven and Tündük”. This takes place as part of the exhibition by the artist Neeharika Donau Hossain in the Onil gallery. About the book: Angelika Sinn's travel journal is a story about encounters with a wondrous country - Kyrgyzstan. An invitation to a symposium for artists and writers takes the author to a yurt camp on the remote mountain lake Issyk Kul. There, the foreign natural landscape becomes a profound experience. In poetic…

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Book premiere "Gestalt im Schatten"

Botanika Bremen Deliusweg 40, Bremen

​ On April 14, 2022 at 7 p.m. the book premiere of de Assis Brasil’s book Gestalt im Schatten will take place at the botanika Bremen. Entry is from 6:30 p.m. The publisher Madjid Mohit will moderate, Jürgen Meyhöfer will provide background information on the book and Thomas Roth will read from the novel. Gestalt in the Shadow is about the man who accompanied Alexander von Humboldt on his journey to South America. While the latter is generally well known, French physician and botanist Aimé Bonpland became famous…

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